
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Nov 3, 2017 | News Story
This week, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and other top labor leaders joined Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and other top party leaders to introduce the “Better Deal” platform, a series of pro-labor reforms. The announcement comes during the same week that Republicans introduced their contentious tax plan. The eight-part labor platform includes...
Nov 3, 2017 | News Story
Local 802 AFM recently launched a new social media campaign called “Musicians of New York.” In the style of the Humans of New York photo project, the series includes photos of Local 802 members either in their workplaces or out on the streets of New York City, usually with their instrument in hand. The photos are accompanied by brief biographies and quotes from the musician that highlight their...
Nov 3, 2017 | News Story
Boycott Hilton Albany Hotel! Sign On to a Letter of Support in Solidarity with Hotel Trades Council Workers The workers who staff the Hilton Albany (including housekeepers, banquet & restaurant workers, bell persons, and other employees) are in a worsening dispute with the Hilton Albany. The workers’ contract with the hotel expired in April 2017, and they have been working without a contract...
Oct 30, 2017 | News Story
Brothers & Sisters: The November 7 election is fast approaching and there isn't much time left to reach out to all of the voters! Join us to knock on fellow union members' doors in a massive canvassing operation on Saturday, November 4.
Oct 20, 2017 | News Story
On Monday, District Council 37 AFSCME Executive Director Henry Garrido participated in an Oxford-style debate, to educate listeners of the dangers of a New York State Constitutional Convention. His partner on the No Con Con side was Adriene Holder, attorney-in-charge of the civil practice of The Legal Aid Society. Arguing in support of a Con Con were State Senator Liz Kruger, and  Gerald Benjamin...
Oct 16, 2017 | Press Release
On Monday, construction workers and supporters gathered at City Hall for the signing of a new law to require at least 40 hours of safety training for NYC's construction workers. Roughly 39 construction workers have died on the job in the last two years. This new law will go a long way toward helping to protect the men and women who perform some of the most dangerous jobs in NYC.
Oct 13, 2017 | News Story
Brothers & Sisters: The November 7 election is fast approaching and there isn't much time left to reach out to all of the voters! Join us to knock on fellow union members' doors in a massive canvassing operation on Saturday, November 4. We'll be deploying folks from three separate locations (see below). Please find the walk nearest to you, click the link to RSVP, and help get out the #...
Oct 10, 2017 | News Story
The New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, along with the Joseph S. Murphy Institiute, CUNY, offers FREE immigration consultation. Please call to make an appointment for FREE HELP with your immigration concerns and for application assistance with: Naturalization and Citizenship TPS/DACA/Advance Parole Replacing and Renewing Immigration Documents For more information, please call the NYC...
Oct 6, 2017 | News Story
This week, the labor movement demonstrated what union solidarity is all about. More than 300 union members boarded a flight in Newark, New Jersey headed for San Juan, Puerto Rico. The United Airlines flight, which also carried 35,000 pounds of relief supplies, was volunteered by the airline for a business-labor partnership with the Association of Flight Attendants, the Air Line Pilots Association...