
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jul 28, 2017 | News Story
It’s the “Summer of Hell” in New York City, and it seems like everyone has an opinion on how to fix the failing NYC subway system. Thankfully, the people most qualified to provide solutions have spoken: the workers who operate and maintain the subway system every single day.
Jul 28, 2017 | News Story
On Monday, 52 of Village Voice’s most esteemed alumni writers issued an open letter to Village Voice owner Peter Barbey, calling on management to meet its members with a fair and reasonable contract.
Jul 28, 2017 | News Story
Last week, workers at neighborhood news sites DNAinfo and Gothamist marked 100 days since they informed their employer they had joined the Writers Guild of America, East. In April, about a month after DNAinfo and Gothamist merged, the editorial employees asked management for voluntary recognition of their union. Since then, conservative billionaire DNAinfo owner Joe Ricketts and once-progressive...
Jul 21, 2017 | News Story
Union workers at Waldner’s, one of the city’s largest office furniture companies, continued their fight against the company this week. About 40  workers were locked out on July 5th and replaced with cheaper subcontractors, after the company refused to negotiate a new contract with Teamsters Local 814. Teamsters Local 814 has filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board over the company’s...
Jul 21, 2017 | News Story
On Thursday, New York City became the first place in the country where low-income tenants facing eviction will be guaranteed an attorney.
Jul 21, 2017 | News Story
On Thursday, the Hotel and Motel Trades Council held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its
Jul 21, 2017 | News Story
The AFL-CIO is fighting to keep two union busters from filling vacant seats on the National Labor Relations Board. On Wednesday, a Senate committee voted to advance President Trump’s two nominees to a full Senate vote.
Jun 16, 2017 | News Story
Following months of negotiation, Actors’ Equity Association has reached a favorable deal for its members who work on not-for-profit productions with the League of Resident Theaters.
Jun 16, 2017 | News Story
Every morning, parents in New York watch their children get on the school bus, entrusting their safety to bus drivers, attendants, and mechanics. These workers have the responsibility of maintaining a secure and safe environment.
Jun 16, 2017 | News Story
This week, the NYC CLC announced Workers United, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Edgar Romney as our 2017 Labor Day Parade Grand Marshal, and IATSE Local One President/IATSE VP James J. Claffey, Jr. as our Parade Chair. Both men sit on the NYC CLC's Executive Board, and we are proud to have them and their unions heading up this year's parade.