Civil and Workplace Rights
Working for the freedom from employment discrimination and the right of working families to fair pay, job safety, secure retirements and affordable health care have been goals fundamental to the union movement, which has long partnered with the civil rights and women’s movements and, more recently, with the LGBTQ community.
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Complex and changing policies affecting the economic and political conditions for immigrants in the United States have put a premium on free access to accurate information. In collaboration with the CUNY Citizenship Now!
In 2024, the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO strengthened our partnerships with our affiliates across the City, helped bring victories in tough contract fights, and advocated for policies that protect and uplift working people.
Governor Hochul can make New York a leader in protecting the public and its workers by signing the LOADinG Act (S. 7543-B Gonzalez/A. 9430-B Otis).
Wednesday, Dec 11, 10AM-1PM, Zoom: Join us to hear about how AI can improve and enhance safety in the workplace, how we can incorporate a labor response to autonomous technology, and the impacts of generative AI on classroom learning and teachers' work.
Last week the Worker's Justice Project, Los Deliveristas, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and the NYC CLC worked together to put on a legal clinic on Deferred Action.
Nothing tastes better than a union-made Thanksgiving feast! The food listed here by the AFL-CIO is union-made or union-packaged. Each purchase goes to support good union jobs!
On Wednesday, the National Labor Relations Board issued a decision in Services LLC, ruling that an employer violates the National Labor Relations Act by requiring em
The result of this week’s Presidential election is obviously not what the Labor Movement hoped for, for many reasons. The Biden-Harris Administration has been the most pro-Labor in United States history, and union members turned out across the country in an effort to keep that momentum going.
In the final days of the 2024 election, union members and volunteers are turning out the union vote for Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov.