
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jan 12, 2018 | News Story
Secretary/Treasurer of Actors’ Equity Association Sandra Karas writes in today's New York Daily News about how the new tax laws hurt middle class Americans, and especially those in theater.
Jan 12, 2018 | News Story
Are you a veteran or do you have a veteran in your household? If you answered ‘yes’ to either of those questions the Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO, would like to get to know you better. The Union Veterans Council is the voice of the working-class veteran. The issues facing veterans and civilian working-class members aren't independent of each other — a lack of good jobs, underemployment,...
Dec 29, 2017 | News Story
As 2017 comes to a close, it is important to look back on all that labor has accomplished this year. We defeated the Constitutional Convention, we stood together to rally for better workplace standards and protections for construction workers, we rallied to support striking IBEW Local 3 cable workers, we stood with our immigrant and undocumented sisters and brothers for the right to live and work...
Dec 22, 2017 | News Story
Last Friday, New York State Governor Cuomo signed the New York Buy American Act into law. State agencies and authorities must now use American-made iron and steel in infrastructure projects worth more than $1 million. The bill was passed by the State legislature this past June, and will take effect in April of 2018.
Dec 22, 2017 | News Story
On Monday, the Nation Labor Relations Board upheld a December 2016 vote in favor of unionization, certifying the Graduate Workers of Columbia-UAW (
Dec 22, 2017 | News Story
The District Council of Carpenters partnered with Heart 9/11 to bring some joy to children down in Puerto Rico.  A toy drive collected quite the haul for the kids in areas affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and thanks to Heart 9/11, the toys were able to get there in time to be handed out for the holidays.
Dec 22, 2017 | News Story
On Monday, the Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. Memorial Association, the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry, and Members of Congress Joe Crowley & Grace Meng held “We Are All Americans,” an open forum meant to create solidarity across the labor and immigrant communities.
Dec 15, 2017 | News Story
In a political climate where there is deliberate undermining of and hostility against poor and working class people - particularly labor and immigrant communities, it is more important than ever that union workers from all backgrounds come together to find common ground and build bridges.
Dec 15, 2017 | News Story
After roughly a year of bargaining, CWA announced this week that it has reached a tentative agreement for 21,000 members covered by the Orange contract at AT&T Mobility. The tentative contract includes wage increases, increased job security, and an increase in paid time off provision for union activities.   If workers approve the proposed contract during a January 12 vote, the new agreement...