Jobs and Economy

Years after the official end of the recent recession, America is still in a jobs crisis. Although job growth is slowly picking up steam--with steady private sector job creation--we still have a long way to go. Job losses came on top of decades of inadequate job growth, wage stagnation and growing inequality. The U.S. economy is increasingly imbalanced, with the top 1 percent holding more than 40 percent of the nation’s wealth.

The AFL-CIO is ready to work with anyone—business, government, investors—who wants to create good jobs and help restore America's middle class and challenge policies that stand in the way of giving America the chance to go back to work. The union movement is partnering with such organizations as the Clinton Global Initiative to find innovative ways to create good jobs that support workers and their families.

More about this issue:

Apr 1, 2012 | Press Release

“The Executive Order was done without public discussion and behind closed doors. No effort was made to communicate with the workers, they deserve better than that, and that’s why we back their legal challenge,” said NYC Central Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez.

Jul 6, 2012 | Press Release

Read newspaper coverage of Labor's prevailing wage win quoting Vinny Alvarez.

NY POST: Mike loses labor fight in court 


Mar 21, 2013 | News Story

At the March 21, 2013 NYC CLC Executive Board meeting in March, a resolution was adopted in support of commonsense immigration reform.  The labor movement in New York City stands firmly in support of a pathway to citizenship in order to improve wages and labor standards for all workers.  The aspi

Apr 4, 2013 | News Story

On Thursday, April 4, 2013, hundreds of fast food restaurant workers in New York City staged a one-day strike to call attention to the mistreatment they face on the job and the low wages they receive.  Workers in the fast food industry make much less than they need to survive and many must rely o

Apr 4, 2013 | News Story

Forget the silly fluff pieces mainstream media are reporting about sequestration's effect on White House tours—there is real pain happening all over the United States.