News Stories

Jul 18, 2014 | News Story
On Thursday, the MTA and unions representing LIRR employees reached a tentative agreement to provide workers with their first contract in roughly four years.  For months, the two sides butted heads as they disagreed on the timeframe for raises, and healthcare contributions.
Jul 3, 2014 | News Story
 This week, AFSCME DC37 reached an agreement with the city on a seven-year contract that provides 10.41% in wage hikes plus a ratification bonus and back pay.  The contract, covering a broad array of workers such as engineers, librarians, museum and parks workers, was approved by the DC37 Executive Board and will now head to their Delegates and union membership for ratification.
Jun 20, 2014 | News Story
This week, New York  became the 23rd state to legalize medical marijuana.  The legislation contains a  labor harmony component,designed ensure that good, quality jobs will be created for New Yorkers.  Strongly supported by Local 338 RWDSU, the labor harmony component promotes healthy, respectful relationships between workers and employers, and helps workers by creating a clear path for them to...
Jun 13, 2014 | News Story
Are you aware that 41% of New Yorkers have no set retirement plan? This number increases to 57% and 59%, respectively for Blacks and Latinos, and it's even higher for low-wage workers, at 74%.  Now is the time to address this important issue that affects all of us. On Tuesday, June 17th the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, will partner with the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy...
Jun 12, 2014 | News Story
The first New York City budget under Mayor de Blasio and a new City Council will be finalized within the next few weeks. PSC-CUNY needs your help to ensure that it’s a budget that takes a new approach to CUNY funding. Mayor de Blasio has allocated an additional $20 million for CUNY, and the PSC has gained support among many City Council Members for a major new investment: 100 new full-time...
Jun 11, 2014 | News Story
On Monday, union members from across the city gathered outside of the Union League Club on 38th Street to protest an appearance by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at a fundraiser for Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino. 
Jun 9, 2014 | News Story
AN ONGOING CROSS-NATIONAL LABOR & ACADEMIC EXCHANGE    Participants from the United States, Germany, and the offices of the European Trade Union Confederation in Brussels gathered together last week at Cornell ILR School’s Worker Institute in New York City for the annual The Transatlantic Social Dialogue (TSD). Close to 40 delegates met over the course of three days to facilitate an exchange...
Jun 6, 2014 | News Story
Steamfitters do the complicated job of building and maintaining the inner mechanical systems that keep its buildings functioning efficiently, serving more than 8.4 million residents and over 53 million tourists each year. Watch this spotlight on the women, members of Local 638, who build and maintain the iconic New York City skyline.
Jun 4, 2014 | News Story
In an overwhelming show of support for their new contract with the city, members of the United Federation of Teachers ratified their contract by a margin of more than 3-to-1.  Approximately 90,000 votes were counted yesterday showing that Teachers approved the contract by 75% and Paraprofessionals by 84%.  For more information, and a breakdown of how the membership voted for this historic...
May 30, 2014 | News Story