
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Sep 13, 2024 | News Story
On Saturday, September 7, more than 85,000 workers and their families took to the streets in a powerful and vibrant display of solidarity and pride, marching twenty blocks past tens of thousands of spectators who turned out in support. With the rain (mostly!) holding off, participants including unions, constituency groups, labor partners, bands, and more chanted and sometimes even danced their...
Sep 13, 2024 | News Story
Unionized editorial workers at LexisNexis-owned Law360 began an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike Tuesday, after giving management every opportunity to bargain a fair contract and negotiate remedies for their unlawful actions. The members of Law360 Union, the fifth largest bargaining unit represented by The NewsGuild of New York, have been preparing for this day since taking a formal strike...
Sep 13, 2024 | News Story
Members of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 have reached a tentative agreement with the National Audubon Society for a first union contract, avoiding a strike that had been planned for this week. This tentative agreement was reached after more than two years of negotiations, supported by mobilization of union members across the country. The 3-year contract will cover 260 union members represented by...
Sep 13, 2024 | News Story
The musicians of the New York Philharmonic (represented by AFM Local 802) are in negotiations for a fair contract! For over a decade, the musicians' salary and benefits have flatlined -- and have now fallen nearly 30% below comparable orchestras in Boston, Chicago, and L.A. The musicians deserve a top-tier contract so that the New York Philharmonic can continue to attract and retain the world’s...
Sep 13, 2024 | News Story
Child Care Subsidies are now available across New York City! These vouchers can be used for any type of child care provider and can save parents an average of $15,000 per year (per child) in child care expenses. Parents must be living in New York City or and meet income restrictions.
Aug 30, 2024 | News Story
As we celebrate another well-deserved Labor Day weekend, I want to take the opportunity to extend our gratitude to all of you for your activism and solidarity throughout the year. Labor Day is a testament to the strength and unity of our Labor Movement, and it’s through all of our collective efforts that we continue to make strides toward a fairer and more just society.
Aug 30, 2024 | News Story
Support for unions stays strong as a majority of Americans continue to view labor unions in a positive light, according to a new Gallup survey released Wednesday.
Aug 30, 2024 | News Story
This week, the New York State AFL-CIO announced endorsements of candidates running for Congress, State Senate and Assembly. The endorsements were made at the state federation’s 34th Constitutional Convention in New York City. Members representing unions from the public sector, private sector, and building trades played a crucial role in the process, from candidate screening interviews to the...
Aug 30, 2024 | News Story
The Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize is an award of $1000 given to an article that furthers the understanding of the history of working people. Articles focused on historical events AND articles about current issues (work, housing, organizing, health, education) that include historical context are both welcome. The work should be published in print or online between August 31, 2023 and August 31...
Aug 23, 2024 | News Story
Dozens of contracted cleaners and 32BJ SEIU union members rallied outside Con Edison’s Union Square headquarters on August 14th to demand the company nix ties with Nelson Services Systems, a contractor that workers say pays sub-par wages.