
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Aug 12, 2022 | News Story
AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler on this week’s Senate victory for working people: Today the Senate passed legislation that will transform the lives of working families at every level, and we urge the House of Representatives to pass this bill swiftly and send it to President Biden’s desk.
Aug 11, 2022 | Press Release
For Immediate Release August 11, 2022 Contact:, 347-453-7131
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
New York City’s neglect for its Staten Island Ferry mariners, who have been working for the last 11 years without a contract, impacted other working New Yorkers this week when the system suffered service disruptions due to understaffing caused by the NYC Department of Transportation's failure to attract and retain qualified mariners. The Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA), which...
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
Nearly 300 journalists at Reuters, the global news agency, walked off the job yesterday for 24 hours in protest of management’s slow-walking contract renewal negotiations, the first major labor action by journalists at the company in more than 30 years. Reuters journalists, photographers, videographers, copy editors, producers and technicians are represented by The NewsGuild of New York. Here in...
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
UPS workers across the country — including 14 locations in the New York region — rallied this week to launch the Teamsters contract campaign, a one-year effort to inform and mobilize members to win the strongest possible contract at UPS.
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
The Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR/SEIU) had a huge victory this week, securing their inclusion in the New York State Health Care Worker Bonus Program. Initially, Governor Hochul's planned COVID bonus for healthcare workers left out resident physicians and fellows, but CIR/SEIU members, who are on the COVID frontlines day in and day out, lobbied, spoke out, shared their stories, and...
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
A strong contingent of New York State Alliance of Retired Americans leaders participated in the ARA virtual National Membership meeting July 27-28. The program included addresses by AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and Secretary-Treasurer Fred Raymond, along with U.S. Rep. John Larson ( D-CT) sponsor of the Social Security 2100 legislation and pollster Celinda Lake who provided an analysis of the...
Aug 5, 2022 | News Story
On July 27, Governor Hochul announced the procurement of up to 2GW of offshore wind capacity for projects; supply chain investment plans (SCIP) of $300-450 million to fund localize component manufacturing and ports; utilization of meshed ready offshore grid connection for projects; and a workforce, jobs, and stakeholder engagement plans requirement. There are many facets of this solicitation, but...
Aug 3, 2022 | Press Release
It’s inexcusable that New York City commuters are having to pay the price for the NYC Department of Transportation’s failure to resolve a contract for more than 11 years. To make matters worse, the DOT is now outsourcing operations to a non-union operator to do the jobs they've refused to adequately staff. The DOT could ensure reliable service, fix this chronic understaffing and restore our...
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
The Staten Island Ferry resumed full rush hour service on Wednesday after two weeks of reduced service caused by continued understaffing that the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association (MEBA) has been pushing the City to address for years, and not an uptick in COVID levels as the Department of Transportation had claimed. MEBA represents the captains, assistant captains, mates, chief engineers...