
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
New York oil workers on strike for equal pay rallied with union supporters outside John Catsimatidis’ Midtown office on Wednesday, saying the billionaire’s union busting has ruined Christmas for their families. Immigrant workers from the Catsimatidis-owned United Metro Energy Corp. (UMEC) provided gasoline, diesel, and heating oil to New York throughout the pandemic, while Catsimatidis paid them...
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
The Chief-Leader this week covers the City’s continued refusal to provide a new contract with higher compensation to the union that represents the captains, assistant captains, mates, chief engineers and marine engineers of the Staten Island Ferry. The City's failure to do so is resulting in staffing shortages and now, delays in the unveiling of a new ship.
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
Actors' Equity Association has issued a study examining the role of public arts funding in diversity, equity and inclusion in the theatre industry. This report profiles positive examples of arts funding that engenders greater diversity, including the New York State Council on the Arts. The study also makes recommendations for how states and cities can better support DEI initiatives through their...
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
CUNY Rising Alliance and PSC/CUNY are building on their hugely successful 1,000-person march in Queens with a letter campaign meant to build broad worker, community, alumni and student support for increased CUNY funding and the New Deal for CUNY. Please send this e-letter to your NYS legislators and share the letter link widely. Forward it to co-workers, neighbors, friends and over listservs....
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
TWU Local 100 has launched a new radio spot highlighting the animal welfare provisions that govern the carriage horse industry, which Local 100 is proud to represent. The union has been working to protect the historic horse-carriage tourism trade, protect the jobs supporting hundreds of families, and promote animal welfare. Check out the new radio spot here!
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
Columbia student workers are still on strike in what is currently the largest such action in the country. Three thousand workers, including undergraduate and graduate teaching and research assistants at Columbia University, are now in the seventh week of their strike.
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
As 2021 comes to a close, Climate Jobs NY would like to thank our member unions. Together, we drove important progress toward a nation-leading clean-energy economy powered by good, family-sustaining union jobs.
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
We know that unions promote economic equality and build worker power, helping workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions. But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.
Dec 17, 2021 | News Story
The Build Back Better Act would create jobs, lower costs and protect workers’ rights. The House already passed it, and now it’s the Senate’s turn. Sign the petition to tell your senators: Build Back Better now!
Dec 10, 2021 | News Story
Baristas at the Elmwood Starbucks in Buffalo, NY declared victory yesterday in the first union election in the history of the coffee giant. Workers voted in favor of unionizing by an overwhelming majority in the face of an aggressive anti-union campaign by Starbucks.