
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
Actors' Equity Association urged Congress to consider arts and entertainment unions at a House Small Business Committee hearing on Wednesday. Speaking on behalf of Equity, Sandra Karas, the union's Secretary/Treasurer, spoke of the urgency to pass the Performing Artists Tax Parity Act, a bipartisan bill that updates a portion of the tax code that allows arts workers to deduct career expenses from...
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
This week the NYC CLC, in partnership with the NYS AFL-CIO and Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW, held a virtual roundtable with over 60 labor and community partners to discuss the impact of the Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA). The MRTA will bring additional protections for workers and create restorative opportunities in communities throughout the state. If you would like to learn more or...
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
The AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) is helping to finance the $337.7 million new construction of 311 West 42nd Street, a mixed-use development comprised of 330 residential rental units, 83 of which are affordable, and 41,678 square feet of rentable retail space. The project, located in the heart of Manhattan near Times Square, will offer modern and green apartments. The development is...
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
Two years after forming a union with NewsGuild of NY, the Sports Illustrated Union has agreed on a first contract that, once ratified, will protect their workplace and their journalism.
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
Salon’s 16-member bargaining unit yesterday unanimously ratified their second collective bargaining agreement with the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE).
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
Statement from AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler on the failure of Republicans in the U.S. Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act: It is deeply disappointing that just days after our nation paid homage to the great civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., critical legislation that would have strengthened our elections and ensured the right of every person to cast their vote was...
Jan 21, 2022 | News Story
Community Boards are the most grassroots level of New York City’s government and serve an advisory role providing recommendations to the City Council and the Office of the Borough President and working with City agencies to resolve local service issues. The NYC CLC's Community Board Initiative aims to educate union members on Community Boards and activate them to engage on an individual and...
Jan 14, 2022 | News Story
After ten long weeks on strike, in what became the largest labor action in the country, student workers at Columbia University have reached a tentative contract with the university that grants many of their demands for higher pay, better healthcare and stronger legal protections.
Jan 14, 2022 | News Story
In a long-awaited decision, the National Labor Relations Board this week ruled that New York Times tech workers can hold a vote on unionization starting later this month as one united bargaining unit. It marks a major victory for tech workers at the Times, who first announced the formation of their union in April and have met resistance from the Times at every step, including an attempt in August...
Jan 14, 2022 | News Story
The Staten Island Ferry workers union that has gone over a decade without a new contract or wage increase is cautiously optimistic that New York City’s new mayor will prioritize resolving the longstanding stalemate.