Job Safety

Following passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, safety and health conditions in our nation's workplaces have improved. Workers' lives have been saved and injury and illness rates have dropped in many industry sectors of the economy. However, too many employers continue to cut corners and violate the law, putting workers in serious danger and costing lives. Many hazards remain unregulated. The job safety law needs to be updated to provide protection for all workers who lack coverage and to strengthen enforcement and workers’ rights. It's our job to continue this fight for safe jobs.

More about this issue:

Dec 21, 2018 | News Story

Spectrum customers—along with the NY Attorney General’s office—have a long list of gripes with Spectrum Cable.

Dec 7, 2018 | News Story

After a two year worker-led campaign by the Independent Drivers Guild, New York City officials voted Tuesday morning to set the nation’s first minimum pay rate for app-based drivers.

Nov 21, 2018 | News Story

In February, Parking Production Assistants voted unanimously to join the Communications Workers of America Local 1101. Since then, CWA and the bargaining committee have been fighting at the bargaining table for a contract.

Nov 21, 2018 | News Story

Josefina Luciano took a hoof to her mouth while working at a Darigold member dairy. The kick broke her jaw, knocked out eleven teeth and left her unconscious. Her desperate co-workers called 911, but didn't know the address of the dairy. Josefina said she almost drowned in her own blood.

Nov 16, 2018 | News Story

On Thursday, November 15, the NYC CLC's Executive Board voted unanimously to formalize the CLC's support for postal banking and for protecting public safety and jobs in the age of autonomous vehicles.

Nov 16, 2018 | News Story

The IDG Benefits Fund (the sister organization of the Independent Drivers Guild, which represents and advocates for more than 70,000 app-based drivers in New York City) is providing free flu shots for New York’s app-based and black car drivers throughout the month of November.

Nov 30, 2018 | News Story

With a strike deadline looming and on the heels of a decisive postdoctoral researcher vote in favor of unionization last month, the Graduate Workers of Columbia-UAW (GWC-UAW) and Columbia Postdoctoral Workers-UAW (CPW-UAW) have made history by approving a framework agreement with Columbia Univers

Nov 30, 2018 | News Story

It’s no secret that the Labor Movement is under attack, directly affecting good, middle class, family-sustaining jobs. The work you accomplish everyday helps move this City forward, and we want to work together with you to help ensure that we are empowering and protecting our communities.

Dec 12

Reports from certified lead and asbestos inspectors, contractors and laboratories include observation, analyses of materials and air sampling results. They can be easily misinterpreted to indicate an area is safe for workers when it is not.

Nov 15, 2018 | News Story

Before you put together your Thanksgiving dinner shopping list, check this list of union-made in America food and other items that are essential to a traditional family Thanksgiving feast.