Pres. Alvarez: Increased Outreach, Not Elimination of Civil Service Exam, is Key to Growing FDNY Diversity
New York, NY – New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez released the following statement regarding the City’s proposal to eliminate competitive examinations in FDNY recruitment:
"While we all agree that increasing diversity in certain civil service jobs is a necessary goal, eliminating the open, competitive examinations that are an integral part of a credible civil service system is the wrong approach.
"These open, competitive exams have produced the nation's most skilled municipal workforce, and it is imperative that we maintain this transparent system, while also expanding outreach and initiating recruitment programs reach to underrepresented groups.
"Together, we can maintain the protections of our civil service system, while accomplishing our collective goal of identifying the best possible candidates to diversify and grow the ranks of the FDNY, city government, and other underrepresented industries."
The New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, represents 300 unions, and 1.3 million workers in the New York City Metro area.
Contact: Cara Noel