News Stories

Nov 6, 2012 | News Story
Congratulations to all the union members who put their time and energy into volunteering on election campaigns here in NYC with the Central Labor Council and in the general election. We join with them and hardworking families across the country in celebrating the re-election of President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden. The union presence locally and nationally was strong this year –...
Jun 30, 2012 | News Story
“It is a myth that somehow we can’t have safe communities without it,” he said, added that the problem is that the NYPD overwhelmingly targets black and Latino young men. “We need to find a better way, a fair way, to protect our communities while protecting the rights of all.” “The tens of thousands of high school students who are stopped—what are we teaching them?” asked Michael Mulgrew,...
Apr 27, 2012 | News Story
Working Without a Contract 45,000 CWA and IBEW workers were forced into a 15-day strike in August. Verizon’s demands included:
Apr 16, 2012 | News Story
The proposed Tier 6 pension plan would also have a disparate impact on African-Americans and communities of color in New York, which statistically make up a higher percentage of the workers in government jobs. Nationally, one out of every five working African-Americans are employed by the government, according to the Labor Department. That comes out to 19.8 percent of the Black workforce,...
Mar 30, 2012 | News Story
The merger is effective immediately, and brings under a single union banner more than 150,000 actors, announcers, broadcasters journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other media professionals. Their work can be seen and heard in theaters, on television and radio, sound recordings, the...
Feb 13, 2012 | News Story
For more information on why Anita's home needed repairs in the first place, check out these two reports by ABC News: Part One: Investigation into NYC Affordable Housing:
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News knocked on the doors at five buildings all constructed under Bloomberg's $8-billion push to provide 165,000 units of new affordable housing by the end of his third term. In each one,...
Jan 22, 2012 | News Story
Mario Cilento, president of NYS AFL-CIO
For years, these workers have been part of the engine that fuels our economy. But now, they are blamed for collecting the pensions they’ve earned through deferred wages. There is no doubt that state and local governments face difficult budgetary decisions, but some corporations and their messengers have tried to capitalize on the economic crisis to justify their own rollback of pensions in favor...
Jan 19, 2012 | News Story
El "Paid Sick Time Act (Int 0097-2012)", que permitiría que unos 1.5 millones de neoyorquinos se beneficien del pago de días por enfermedad, ha enfrentado oposición de la Presidente del Concejo Christine Quinn en el pasado quien ha señalado que la iniciativa perjudica a los negociantes de la ciudad.
Jan 18, 2012 | News Story
“We were here a year ago. We got close, we thought we were going to finally see passage about a year ago,” Dan Cantor, the Executive Director of the Working Family, announced. “Politics is hard, so we come back now, a year later.”
Dec 14, 2011 | News Story
The Government Accountability Board voted 5-0 to order the recall, a move that has been expected for weeks given the large number of signatures gathered between November and January. It took 540,208 signatures to trigger a recall.