
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

May 21, 2021 | News Story
On Tuesday, the editorial workers at Forbes announced their intention to unionize with The NewsGuild of New York with over 80% of eligible staffers signed on to the campaign. Forbes staffers are asking company management to respect their collective voice and recognize their union.
May 21, 2021 | News Story
On Saturday, Laborers Local 79, NY Communities for Change, labor and community allies marched for safe and responsible development. Inspections by the Department of Buildings keep turning up safety violations at the 100% non-union Bedford Armory construction site. The NYC Labor Movement stands together against greedy, unscrupulous developers and we must hold our elected officials accountable when...
May 21, 2021 | News Story
The labor-led Carbon Free and Healthy Schools campaign continues to gain support as the mayoral primary and federal infrastructure talks heat up. Together, we can make NYC schools a model of green infrastructure, make schools healthier and safer for students and the school community, create good union jobs, and save schools millions in energy costs. As we rebuild NYC, join teachers, parents,...
May 21, 2021 | News Story
As New York updates its re-opening guidelines, the key to bringing back tourists and audiences is very simple: vaccinations. Union musicians are doing their part to speed this process along. Local 802 and the NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment continued its highly successful “Music Heals" series this week, which is a program of paid union gigs for musicians who perform for vaccine...
May 21, 2021 | News Story
Nontraditional Employment for Women's (NEW) Equity Leadership Awards Luncheon celebrates the women building New York City. For more than 40 years NEW has trained and placed women in the skilled construction trades and related fields, helping them secure sustainable wages for themselves and their families. The women who enter the doors of NEW are changed; they walk out confident and ready to begin...
May 18, 2021 | News Story
We are only 5 weeks away from the June 22 Primary Election in New York City and our member-to-member voter outreach is officially underway. With less than 25% of the electorate expected to turn-out in these critical city elections, we must ensure that union-members and their households turn-out in large numbers.  
May 14, 2021 | News Story
Hundreds of union members and supporters rallied yesterday in front of Lincoln Center Plaza to reject the union busting tactics of Metropolitan Opera House General Manager Peter Gelb and the Metropolitan Opera House Association and demand a fair contract for all Met artists.
May 14, 2021 | News Story
The Department of Interior’s approval of the Vineyard Wind Project, the first large-scale offshore wind project in the U.S., puts into action the Administration’s promise to build a green new economy with good family-sustaining union jobs. This is an important step forward for offshore wind in the region and as Climate Jobs NY continues to push major wind projects forward in New York, this is an...
May 14, 2021 | News Story
Local 802 and the NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment have launched “Music Heals," a new program of paid union gigs for musicians, who are playing for vaccine staff and recipients.  The performances will take place at 11 city-run vaccination centers across the five boroughs through June 20. The program provides hundreds of NYC musicians — many who have lost income during the pandemic —...
May 7, 2021 | News Story
On Wednesday and Thursday nights, eight of New York's leading Mayoral candidates participated in a virtual "Conversation with the Candidates" to make their cases before New York City's labor movement. Nearly 600 union officers, their delegates, and activists tuned in to the NYC CLC's two-day 2021 Mayoral Forum, together representing one million registered voter households in the City. The vast...