
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Feb 17, 2023 | News Story
The WGA East has filed an unfair labor practice charge against the Bustle Digital Group, in response to the termination of three members who were laid off there recently in retaliation for their concerted, protected union activity in violation of the National Labor Relations Act. The three workers are among the 39 laid off in total.
Feb 17, 2023 | News Story
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., yesterday announced the creation of the Office’s first-ever Worker Protection Unit to investigate and prosecute wage theft and other forms of worker harassment and exploitation across Manhattan’s many industries. Building on the success of the Office’s Construction Fraud Task Force, which will be part of the Worker Protection Unit, the Unit will...
Feb 17, 2023 | News Story
Legislation has been introduced in the state Senate and Assembly, S1978A (Ramos)/A2204A (Joyner), that would raise and index the minimum wage to inflation. The legislation would help New York break the cycle of infrequent increases that lead to insufficient minimum wage. Add your name to urge your state legislators to support S1978A/A2204A!  
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
After thirteen weeks on strike, members of the HarperCollins Union announced last night that they have reached a tentative agreement that includes increases to minimum salaries across levels and a $1500 lump sum bonus to all union employees. UAW Local 2110 represents 250+ employees in editorial, sales, publicity, design, legal, and marketing departments.
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
More than 200 journalists at NBC News, MSNBC, and TODAY Digital walked off the job Thursday morning in protest of their employers' illegal actions and bad-faith bargaining. On January 12, NBC illegally laid off seven bargaining unit members, and informed several others that, while still employed, they were no longer protected by the union.
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
More than 1000 Legal Aid Society attorneys and allies held pickets outside their offices in all five boroughs of New York City on Wednesday, demanding fair wages after seven months without a contract. For 20 weeks, LAS has failed to make any meaningful economic offer while workers continue to struggle with high caseloads. Workers are leaving jobs they love because they cannot afford to stay....
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
Writers Guild of America, East members at WNYW Fox 5 New York are currently in negotiations with FOX 5 for their renewed contract. They are determined to get a fair deal; however, they are now facing the largest obstacle to an agreement—protecting their WGA Pension. FOX 5 has thus far refused to make the contributions necessary to ensure that the WGA Pension Plan is adequately funded AND...
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
More than 400 writers in film and television who are members of the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) and Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) have signed a petition in support of their fellow Guild members at MSNBC who have been negotiating a first contract for over a year with management at MSNBC and NBCUniversal. Supporters include Tina Fey, Adam McKay, Lilly Wachowski, and David Simon...
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
The New York Daily News this week featured NYSNA's fight for pay equity and health equity in public hospitals. H+H/ Mayoral members’ contract expires on March 2. Nurses are ready to negotiate for pay equity, safe and enforceable staffing, and the respect public sector nurses and patients deserve.
Feb 10, 2023 | News Story
President Biden gave his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler weighed in: "In tonight’s State of the Union address, President Biden delivered a bold blueprint for an economy that, at long last, puts working people first. Instead of catering to the wealthy and well-connected, the President declared that workers are America’s backbone and good union jobs are...