
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Aug 23, 2024 | News Story
Unionized editorial workers at LexisNexis-owned Law360 have put management on notice that they will walk off the job on an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike in September unless there’s real progress in rectifying the harm caused by the company’s unlawful tactics and at the bargaining table. Contract negotiations between Law360 Union—part of The NewsGuild of New York—which represents about 250...
Aug 23, 2024 | News Story
At 33, Shauna Irving is the youngest ever president of the women’s club of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local  3, and she’s using her platform to recruit more young women in the field. “I use every opportunity to encourage girls to be aware of what trade work is, and I always tell them you can pretty much achieve anything,” Irving told The Post. “You can make the same...
Aug 16, 2024 | News Story
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a complaint against the National Audubon Society for violating federal labor laws and unlawfully discriminating against its own employees for union membership.
Aug 16, 2024 | News Story
The Writers Guild of America East, AFL-CIO, includes workers at WNET THIRTEEN, who are currently fighting for a fair contract that protects their union and provides for fair wages and paid time off, but so far, the company has resisted these proposals. To make matters worse, THIRTEEN's management is trying to eviscerate their staff's union by demanding the power to assign union members’ work to...
Aug 15, 2024 | News Story
The Executive Board of the New York City Central Labor Council last week adopted a resolution recognizing that workers in retail stores, pharmacies and supermarkets in New York are vulnerable to verbal and psychological harassment, to threats of violence, and violent crimes and assault; and that unsafe retail workplaces endanger workers and shoppers, presenting a serious threat to public safety.
Aug 9, 2024 | News Story
Hundreds of union laborers rallied Thursday in the Flatiron District to protest a luxury residential developer’s use of a notorious demolition firm. Laborers' Local 79 and Local 78 workers gathered near Madison Square Park facing the boutique building owned by Rockrose Development to denounce the firm’s use of Alba Services on a redevelopment project at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. Following...
Aug 9, 2024 | News Story
UAW Local 259 members and supporters gathered to rally in the Bronx Tuesday, standing with worker Alex Patterson, who was wrongfully terminated from his job at construction materials fabricator Baco Enterprises for organizing his coworkers to form a union.
Aug 9, 2024 | News Story
The AFL-CIO this week released their annual Executive Paywatch report, examining the current state of executive compensation in public companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges across industries and states. This year’s Executive Paywatch puts CEO-to-worker pay ratios in historical perspective by comparing how long the median worker would need to work to the construction dates of various world...
Aug 9, 2024 | News Story
On Saturday, September 21st, the NYC Central Labor Council in partnership with unions across New York City will work to assist eligible permanent residents in navigating the process to becoming new U.S. citizens. The Labor Movement can help expand access to citizenship and shift the political landscape by partnering with community organizations that offer education and services to assist people...
Aug 2, 2024 | News Story
We are officially 94 days to Election Day on November 5th, 2024.