Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room
Jan 22, 2012 | News Story
For years, these workers have been part of the engine that fuels our economy. But now, they are blamed for collecting the pensions they’ve earned through deferred wages.
There is no doubt that state and local governments face difficult budgetary decisions, but some corporations and their messengers have tried to capitalize on the economic crisis to justify their own rollback of pensions in favor...
Jan 19, 2012 | News Story
El "Paid Sick Time Act (Int 0097-2012)", que permitiría que unos 1.5 millones de neoyorquinos se beneficien del pago de días por enfermedad, ha enfrentado oposición de la Presidente del Concejo Christine Quinn en el pasado quien ha señalado que la iniciativa perjudica a los negociantes de la ciudad.
Jan 18, 2012 | News Story
“We were here a year ago. We got close, we thought we were going to finally see passage about a year ago,” Dan Cantor, the Executive Director of the Working Family, announced. “Politics is hard, so we come back now, a year later.”
Dec 14, 2011 | News Story
The Government Accountability Board voted 5-0 to order the recall, a move that has been expected for weeks given the large number of signatures gathered between November and January. It took 540,208 signatures to trigger a recall.