
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Oct 5, 2018 | News Story
After a two year campaign by the Independent Drivers Guild, New York’s Taxi and Limousine Commission held a hearing on Wednesday on the nation’s first livable wage rules for drivers for apps like Uber and Lyft. The city’s proposed rules, put forward following the Guild’s campaign and regulatory petition, would mean a 22.5% raise for drivers, a pay increase if Uber and Lyft over-hire, and annual...
Oct 5, 2018 | News Story
The economy is rapidly changing. New companies are popping up all the time offering to serve as the conduit between workers looking to make ends meet and consumers wanting to fulfill a need. It is often difficult to find information about these companies and, most importantly, their workforce. That is why Cornell and its School of Industrial Labor Relations is conducting a study of gig economy...
Oct 5, 2018 | News Story
At our September Delegates meeting, NYC CLC President Vincent Alvarez kicked off the new delegate year by swearing in eight new delegates. Welcome all! The CLC encourages all of our affiliates to send delegates to every membership meeting—all meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at IBT Local 237, located at 216 West 14th Street at 6pm unless otherwise notified.
Sep 28, 2018 | News Story
In 2016, NYU abruptly pulled out of the League of Voluntary Hospitals, a multi-employer bargaining approach that has ensured quality care and good jobs for New Yorkers for decades. With 1199SEIU's contract set to expire on September 30, NYU is now implying in contract bargaining that the healthcare benefits caregivers and their families have depended on for years are under threat.
Sep 28, 2018 | News Story
More than 500 PSC-CUNY members and supporters gathered last night in front of the NY Stock Exchange and marched to the investment banking firm of CUNY Board chairperson William Thompson to demand investment in a contract for the PSC, and to protest continuing austerity at CUNY.
Sep 28, 2018 | News Story
Yesterday, the Port Authority of New York voted to enact a new wage resolution as a result of years of efforts by workers represented by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), UNITE HERE Local 100, and Local 1102 of the RWDSU. In addition to increasing wages, the new policy includes the nearly 5,000 airline catering workers who were excluded from the Port Authority’s previous...
Sep 28, 2018 | News Story
In the disastrous wake of Hurricane Florence, the labor movement, as always, is leading relief efforts in communities throughout North Carolina. First Responders, public employees, and working people across the state are on the front lines evacuating people to safety, tending to the injured, restoring power, and rebuilding. The North Carolina State AFL-CIO and national AFL-CIO are also stepping...
Sep 25, 2018 | News Story
Today is National Voter Registration Day! Our democracy works best when we all come together and exercise our right to vote. Confirm your registration today, the deadline to register is October 12.
Sep 7, 2018 | News Story
Labor Day is a time to reflect on who we are as working people, what we’ve achieved together, and the challenges that lie ahead. When we organize, we make it possible for workers to demand family-sustaining wages, health care, retirement security, and a meaningful voice in the workplace. In doing so, we raise the floor for all workers, both union and non-union. But today, our nation’s labor...
Aug 31, 2018 | News Story
Saturday, September 8: The 2018 NYC Labor Day Parade is just around the corner! Join us on Saturday, September 8 ay 10AM at 44th Street & Fifth Avenue marching uptown to show the world that NYC Is A Union Town! Click here to watch this year's promo video! #UnionStrong #LDP2018 #CountMeIn