
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Mar 10, 2017 | News Story
This week, IATSE Local 829, United Scenic Artists, announced a historic inaugural contract agreement with the Off-Broadway League.  The three-year agreement protects workers’ wages and industry standards. "This negotiation was both historic and a true example of what the process should be; the two sides came together and through consideration of the needs of both labor and management, created an...
Mar 10, 2017 | News Story
In honor of Women’s History Month, each week in March the NYC CLC will spotlight the women who sit on our Executive Board. This week, we’re celebrating Janella Hinds, Secretary-Treasurer of the CLC. Hinds is a certified social studies teacher who spent eight years working in Brooklyn schools as a dean, student council advisor, and conflict resolution specialist. In addition to performing her CLC...
Mar 3, 2017 | News Story
March is Women's History Month, and we would like to honor women in union leadership. If you would like to honor one or a few of the women who do a great job of fighting for workers and workers' rights within your union, please send a photo, name and title, a brief summary about your nominee, and a quote from your nominee to
Mar 3, 2017 | News Story
Workers at the Sims Municipal Recycling plant in Brooklyn have vote to join Teamsters Local 210. Workers have been rallying for the last few weeks, including a rally on Tuesday of this week ahead of a City Council hearing to discuss the impact a strike at the facility would have on residential recycling operations.   Congrats to these new Teamsters!
Feb 24, 2017 | News Story
This week, 1199 SEIU health and hospital members were joined by Governor Cuomo for a rally at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. 1199 members are fighting to save gains made by the Affordable Care Act, which Republicans have promised to roll back during the Trump administration. 1199 President George Gresham and hospital executives spoke about the crucial funds for public...
Feb 17, 2017 | News Story
This week, DC 37 posted an editorial launching a campaign to reject the constitutional convention. In New York, every 20 years voters must decide if a convention should be called to rewrite the state constitution. This question will be on the ballot in November 2017.
Feb 15, 2017 | Press Release
"Andrew Puzder's withdrawal from consideration for Secretary of Labor shows the power of working people. Puzder's history and record are not characteristics befitting someone responsible for protecting America's workforce, and I applaud workers for standing up against his nomination. "    
Feb 3, 2017 | News Story
On Sunday, Governor Cuomo introduced the Transportation Worker Protection Act. The state legislation was created after a Muslim Delta airline worker was attacked at John F. Kennedy Airport earlier in the week.
Feb 3, 2017 | News Story
This week, staff at MTV News announced efforts to unionize with the Writers Guild of America, East.   Per the Guild, more than 80 percent of the staff has signed cards to join the union. The staff is seeking to join the union to address concerns with several issues including healthcare and benefits, legal protection, transparency, and diversity.
Feb 3, 2017 | News Story
This week, thousands of construction workers gathered at City Hall to support Intro. 1447, a measure to require increased safety training for building projects in New York City. The rally took place while the City Council heard testimony on the bill.