
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jun 1, 2020 | Press Release
The New York City Labor Movement stands with working people across our city who are demanding justice for the senseless death of George Floyd, and for an end to the continuing systemic inequalities that are faced by our brothers and sisters of color every day in America. There are some who have chosen this moment to engage in destructive acts. While we condemn these senseless acts of vandalism,...
May 18, 2020 | News Story
  May 18 AFL-CIO sues feds over coronavirus workplace safety Emergency Paid Leave Helps Some Families, Leaves Others Adrift
May 11, 2020 | News Story
(Updated 5/11/20) The COVID-19 pandemic remains an extraordinarily challenging situation, with New York City workers, as always, on the front lines of the crisis. The labor movement is rising in solidarity to meet those challenges. Many of you have already reached out to inquire about how to support workers as they continue to provide the essential services that New York City residents are...
Apr 23, 2020 | News Story
Each and every day of this crisis, union members on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak are bravely going to work, putting their health and lives on the line for their fellow New Yorkers. And yet right now, many of these courageous first responders, healthcare workers, transportation workers and other frontline workers still do not have the support they need to be able to work safely and...
Mar 26, 2020 | Press Release
On behalf of the New York City labor movement at the epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis, I’d like to extend thanks to United States Senator Charles Schumer for his tireless work on the stimulus bill. While there is more work to be done, this important first step will deliver immediate relief to NYC workers as well as some of our City’s most important industries and public institutions.
Mar 25, 2020 | Press Release
Today, we mark the 109th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, a catastrophic event in which 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women, were killed as a direct result of abhorrent working conditions and woefully insufficient workplace safety standards. The loss of life was both tragic and avoidable, and sent shockwaves through our city and nation.
Mar 12, 2020 | News Story
The day you have all been waiting for! Census 2020 is here and we need you to get counted & fill out the form now! It’s only 10 short questions.
Dec 13, 2019 | News Story
Sam Chang, the hotel mogul who’s come under fire for getting tax rebates while receiving city subsidies to house the homeless, has also attracted the ire of organized labor.
Dec 13, 2019 | News Story
On Tuesday, Jackson Heights, Queens elementary school PS 398 was re-named The Héctor Figueroa School. The re-naming honors the late union leader and 32BJ SEIU President who passed away earlier this year.
Dec 13, 2019 | News Story
Mayor Bill de Blasio, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and The City University of New York (CUNY) Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez announced this week the more than 150 awardees of the $19 million NYC Complete Count Fund, the City's first-ever community awards program focused on census-related education and organizing. This joint investment by the de Blasio Administration and City Council...