
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
Teamsters at UPS held a rally Thursday after multiple workers were sent to the emergency room with heat exhaustion last week. The company refuses to install fans in trucks or adequate ventilation in sortation facilities. In Pasadena, CA, a 24-year-old worker died on the job due to high heat earlier this month. Members of Teamsters Local 804, joined by community supporters, rallied outside the...
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
This week, Starbucks fired Joselyn, a union leader in Great Neck, Long Island. Since workers at Great Neck filed for union representation in February, management has targeted Joselyn for her leadership in the union. Joselyn had worked for the company for seven years and had not even had a write up until April, when their union election was held.
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
After 14 years with a deeply flawed system, labor has advocated for change and we finally have the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program we need. Because of a special US Department of Education program related to the COVID crisis, 250,000 New Yorkers are eligible to have all their student loans erased. 5,000 New Yorkers have already had an average of $63,935 forgiven! But the fix is...
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
The NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) leads the City of New York's efforts to reduce carbon emissions from government operations. A recent episode of the DCAS "Inside Citywide" podcast featured a discussion of the work DCAS is doing to reduce emissions from City buildings. Retrofitting plays a key role, and DCAS has partnered with the International Brotherhood of...
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
The U.S. Department of Labor has posted a Frequently Asked Questions document to provide workers experiencing a worksite labor dispute with guidance on how to seek the department’s support for their requests to the Department of Homeland Security for immigration-related prosecutorial discretion.  
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
Check your registration - make sure you and your eligible family members are registered to vote!
Jul 29, 2022 | News Story
Union members worked together across the labor movement to win many important victories for working people last year. We secured historic funding and investment in our nation’s infrastructure, saved our pensions, helped striking workers secure better contracts and unleashed a wave of union organizing. We kept our country moving forward through a global pandemic. But there’s still so much we can...
Jul 28, 2022 | News Story
The New York City Labor Day Parade on September 10, 2022 will celebrate 140 years since the first Labor Day Parade in Union Square. Thousands of marchers will carry posters and wear buttons -- it could be your design! Submit your entry to the 2022 Labor Day Parade poster contest  by August 20, 2022.  Visualize your thoughts, ideas and concerns on this years theme: Workers Leading, Workers Rising
Jul 22, 2022 | News Story
Workers in production departments for TV commercials across the United States are going public with their union with the backing of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Stand With Production movement. The unionizing workers include Production Assistants (PA’s), Line Producers, Production Supervisors, Assistant Production Supervisors, and others whose work...
Jul 22, 2022 | News Story
Staff at Harper Collins Publishers including workers in editorial, sales, publicity, design, legal and marketing held a one day strike on Wednesday to back up their demand for a fair contract. The union has been at the bargaining table since December 2021, but the company will not agree to a fair offer. Workers are members of UAW 2110, and have been organized for 80 years.