
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jun 13, 2013 | News Story
On Tuesday, June 12, thousands of City workers rallied at City Hall Park to demand fair contracts. Citywide public sector union members are currently operating under expired employment contracts, and Tuesday’s crowd included  teachers, nurses, sanitation workers and firefighters united to say “enough is enough.”  The energetic crowd also included members of private sector unions, who stood in...
May 31, 2013 | News Story
On Friday, May 24, 21 Queens “carwasheros,” made history by signing the first ever union contract for carwash workers in New York City.  The carwasheros, members of RWDSU, voted to unionize as a way to protect themselves against wage and tip theft, and as a means of securing a series of raises, set schedules, and unpaid leave time. The three-year contract takes effect on June 3.
May 21, 2013 | News Story
On Monday, May 20, New York City Central Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez joined with 32BJ Secretary Treasurer Kyle Bragg, Assemblyman Karim Camara, UWUA Local 1-2 Vice President Jim Slevin and workers to support legislation to include public utilities under the State’s prevailing wage law.
May 21, 2013 | News Story
On Tuesday, May 21, members of the New York State Dream Coalition traveled to Albany to lobby legislators about the need to pass the NYS Dream Act.  The group also held an afternoon news conference, following the Assembly’s 88-46 passage of the legislation, which would enable undocumented students who qualify for in-state tuition to be eligible to receive State financial aid and scholarships.   
May 16, 2013 | News Story
Our sisters and brothers who are members of the Legal Services Staff Association, NOLSW, UAW Local 2320 went on strike on the morning of Wednesday, May 15th after working almost a year without a contract.  Despite making historic offers to management to share in the costs of healthcare and forgo a general wage increase in order to address fiscal concerns, the management is demanding deep and...
May 14, 2013 | News Story
Last night, in a vote of 82 to 53, the New York State Assembly passed the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act (A1792/S1743).  This act will ensure that Farmworkers receive the same basic rights as other workers throughout the state, such as an 8 hour workday, a guaranteed day off and workers compensation in the case of injury.  The bill has now been delivered to the State Senate.  For more...
May 8, 2013 | News Story
In a historic vote by the New York City Council, Intro 97-A, the New York City Earned Sick Time Act passed by a margin of 45-3.  The passage of this bill marks a major step toward protecting workers and their families in the event of illness.  To read more, please click
Apr 26, 2013 | News Story
The New York City Central Labor Council has launched a new website.  Please take a look around and get acquainted and feel free to drop us an email to tell us what you think!  For information on our affiliate organizations, please click here. 
Apr 19, 2013 | News Story
AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka speaking on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that will affect millions of immigrants
A commonsense immigration reform bill was unveiled this week which offers a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants currently living in the United States.  The bill would also ensure that immigrants are covered by US labor law, including minimum wage and workplace safety requirements.  A statement from Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council: "New York City...
Apr 16, 2013 | News Story
Last year, 112 workers died when a garment factory in Bangladesh that supplies Walmart, GAP and others burned to the ground.  Conditions at the factory were so lethal that it didn’t have a single emergency exit, and supervisors prevented workers from leaving their sowing machines even when the fire alarm went off. Sumi Abedin, one of the garment workers trapped inside, survived the tragedy by...