
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Mar 24, 2017 | News Story
On Wednesday, Writers Guild of America, East, announced that content creators at Thrillist had voted to join the union. After weeks of refusing to recognize the staff’s union, management agreed to collectively bargain following a 24-hour online vote. 95% of the 65-person bargaining unit voted to join. The Thrillist Organizing Committee celebrated their victory: “As new members of the WGA East, we...
Mar 21, 2017 | News Story
NYC CLC Executive Board member Julie Kushner is the director of UAW Region 9A. Julie Kushner has been a union activist and leader for more than 30 years.
Mar 17, 2017 | News Story
This week, the NYC CLC, District Council 37, and Teamsters Local 237 joined with elected officials, housing advocates, and community members to rally at City Hall against federal budget cuts that would significantly defund the New York City Housing Authority. The rally was led by Bronx Councilman Ritchie Torres, chair of the City Council's Committee on Public Housing. Residents of NYCHA housing...
Mar 16, 2017 | News Story
Continuing our celebration of Womens’ History Month, we are proud to honor the work of Cecilia “Cece” Borcherding, Executive Board Member of the Utility Workers Union of America, Local 1-2. Cece is the product of a hard-working union household. Her mother worked as a riveter in a factory during World War ll.
Mar 15, 2017 | News Story
This week, Winter Storm Stella hit New York City, suspending above-ground train service and keeping many New Yorkers at home for the day. Despite the weather, lots of workers headed to their jobs to keep NYC running. Hard-working New Yorkers from a range of industries including sanitation, maintenance, healthcare, transportation, and hospitality plowed the streets, shoveled the sidewalks and...
Mar 15, 2017 | News Story
This week, the National AFL-CIO announced the start of a new comprehensive campaign to help protect union jobs.
Mar 10, 2017 | News Story
This week, the Economic Policy Institute released a comprehensive study looking at diversity and pay scale in the New York City construction industry. The results show that New York City construction unions are leading the way, with greater diversity and significantly higher pay rates being standard in union construction jobs over non-union construction jobs.
Mar 10, 2017 | News Story
This week, IATSE Local 829, United Scenic Artists, announced a historic inaugural contract agreement with the Off-Broadway League.  The three-year agreement protects workers’ wages and industry standards. "This negotiation was both historic and a true example of what the process should be; the two sides came together and through consideration of the needs of both labor and management, created an...
Mar 10, 2017 | News Story
In honor of Women’s History Month, each week in March the NYC CLC will spotlight the women who sit on our Executive Board. This week, we’re celebrating Janella Hinds, Secretary-Treasurer of the CLC. Hinds is a certified social studies teacher who spent eight years working in Brooklyn schools as a dean, student council advisor, and conflict resolution specialist. In addition to performing her CLC...
Mar 3, 2017 | News Story
March is Women's History Month, and we would like to honor women in union leadership. If you would like to honor one or a few of the women who do a great job of fighting for workers and workers' rights within your union, please send a photo, name and title, a brief summary about your nominee, and a quote from your nominee to