
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Dec 12, 2014 | News Story
This week, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey proposed a wage increase for workers at the region’s three major airports.  Members of Unite Here Local 100 have been pushing for a $10.10 minimum wage for all airport workers. Months ago, the Port Authority agreed to increase wages for workers at JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports, but the rule did not apply to the roughly 7,000...
Dec 12, 2014 | News Story
This week, hundreds of horse carriage supporters gathered at City Hall for an afternoon rally, supporting the workers and protesting Councilman Danny Dromm's measure to outlaw the iconic industry. The carriage drivers are members of Teamsters Local 553.  
Dec 1, 2014 | Press Release
New York, NY - New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez today released the following statement, reaffirming the Council's support of the horse carriage industry: "The New York City Central Labor Council will continue to stand with the hardworking men and women of the NYC horse carriage industry as they fight to protect and sustain the livelihoods of 300 working...
Nov 21, 2014 | News Story
The New York Labor History Association is accepting entries for the Deborah E. Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize.  The award is named for Deborah Bernhardt, a former head of the Wagner Labor Archives, who helped to document a comprehensive history of our city's working men and women. The $500 prize will be awarded for the best article or series of articles published in a labor or worker center...
Nov 21, 2014 | Press Release
New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez has released the following statement regarding President Obama's announcement on immigration action: "President Obama's announcement outlined a first step in the right direction for our country, and for working families.  
Nov 19, 2014 | News Story
Wouldn’t it be amazing if working families gathered together on Black Friday and sent a message to the country’s largest employer that its workers deserve a living wage and full-time work? Well, that’s exactly what’s going to happen, and you can be a part of it. Walmart is the largest private employer in the world, and the Walton family, owners of the company, has more wealth than 43% of...
Nov 7, 2014 | News Story
Please join us at a reception at the American Folk Art Museum (Columbus and 66th Street) and see the exhibit marking the centennial of Ralph Fasanella's birth. This exhibit was curated by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. The purpose of the reception is to raise funds to purchase at least 2000 copies of the documentary Fasanella to distribute to public schools through out New York City....
Oct 31, 2014 | News Story
"Work is a sacrament, an outward sign of inward grace," preaches Father O'Brien, the salty and profane priest featured in Sting's new musical, The Last Ship, now on Broadway. This celebration of the men and women who still make things, who devote their lives to their work, opened Sunday, October 26.
Oct 31, 2014 | News Story
Union members have been busy helping to get out the vote for Congressional District 11 candidate Domenic Recchia.  Recchia, a former City Council Member and school board president, hosted a labor meet and greet last Saturday, where he thanked union volunteers for their support.  Attendees heard from Recchia, CWA 1180 President Arthur Cheliotes, Central Labor Council President Vinny Alvarez, NY...
Oct 24, 2014 | News Story
While the odds of the general public contracting ebola are extraordinarily low, it is important for workers in healthcare and sanitation settings to be aware of steps that should be taken to avoid exposure.  Please visit NYCOSH for important resources and guidelines on protecting yours