
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Jun 16, 2023 | News Story
Averting what would have been the second physician’s strike in New York City, and the 8th healthcare worker strike in the country this year, Morningside and West resident physicians announced on Monday that they have reached a tentative agreement with their employer Mount Sinai after 6 m
Jun 16, 2023 | News Story
The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) this week announced it will be filing Unfair Labor Practice charges (ULPs) against REI, Inc. in both the SoHo and Cleveland unionized stores. This comes on the heels of REI’s notification to the union through its new legal counsel that many workers at the SoHo, New York store would be receiving pay cuts in their next paycheck amid a shakeup...
Jun 16, 2023 | News Story
More than 300,000 immigrants have permission to live and work in our country today through a form of humanitarian relief called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). TPS has been granted to people from countries embroiled in violent conflict or suffering from a natural disaster, since 1990, so that they will not be returned to harm’s way.
Jun 16, 2023 | News Story
Projectionists at a Brooklyn Alamo Drafthouse, the movie theater chain known for serving food and drinks during screenings, have filed a petition to unionize with the National Labor Review Board. Two days after the petition was filed, and one day after the NLRB sent official notice to the company, Alamo sent an internal email notifying staff of the company's intention to do away with the...
Jun 16, 2023 | News Story
Mediation between the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association (MEBA)—which represents the captains, assistant captains, mates, engineers and chief engineers on the Staten Island Ferry— and the City, ongoing since last year, continues, with another meeting will take place next week. Roland Rexha, the secretary and treasurer of MEBA, told the Staten Island Advance that the union is hopeful about...
Jun 11, 2023 | Press Release
"Through the pandemic, extreme weather, and other significant challenges, New York City’s delivery workers keep millions of New Yorkers fed. In return, last year our City made a promise – that we would deliver the minimum pay and protections they fought so tirelessly for. Today, we celebrate the thousands of Deliveristas and supporters who kept up their courageous campaign until that historic...
Jun 9, 2023 | News Story
NYCOSH has created a slideshow aimed at providing important information about how outdoor workers can protect themselves, including info about key terms, types of respirators, and how to conduct a "seal check. View the slideshow here!
Jun 9, 2023 | News Story
In a powerful show of solidarity, SAG-AFTRA members have voted 97.91% in favor of a strike authorization ahead of negotiations of the TV/Theatrical Contracts, with nearly 65,000 members casting ballots for a voting percentage of 47.69% of eligible voters.
Jun 9, 2023 | News Story
Wednesday night, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), announced that, by an overwhelming vote of 97% in favor of the union, workers at Barnes & Noble’s Flagship Union Square store have voted to join the RWDSU. Building upon last month’s unanimous wins by workers at Barnes & Noble College Booksellers at Rutgers University with RWDSU and by Barnes & Noble workers in...
Jun 9, 2023 | News Story
Workers at Insider have been on a ULP strike since June 2nd over management's decision to illegally change their health insurance, saddling them with higher costs and worse coverage. They're also fighting for a fair contract that closes the pay equity gap for their members, raises salary floors, and gives raises that ensure equity and offset rising inflation.