
Welcome to the NYC Central Labor Council's News Room

Aug 25, 2023 | News Story
Postdoctoral Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai voted to authorize their elected bargaining teams to call a strike if circumstances justify. Of the 377 Postdoc members who cast a ballot, 342 (91%) voted yes to authorize their bargaining team to call a strike, according to votes tallied Sunday.
Aug 25, 2023 | News Story
Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) members at FT Specialist, an editorial division of Financial Times, overwhelmingly ratified a groundbreaking first collective bargaining agreement. After more than two years of negotiations, the 45-member bargaining unit at FT Specialist won a fair three-year agreement that includes a first of its kind Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) clause that says “the...
Aug 18, 2023 | News Story
Dozens of Scholastic Union members rallied at the company’s headquarters Wednesday to protest Scholastic’s slow-walking of contract negotiations and refusing to offer a fair deal, including retroactive pay and remote work rights, to workers.
Aug 18, 2023 | News Story
From the NYC Chapter of the State Alliance of Retired Americans: The NYC chapter of the State Alliance for Retired Americans, the NYC CLC affiliate for retirees is inviting all retirees to join us at this year's Labor Day Parade! The NYC Chapter will be in the first segment of the Parade, assembling on the East side of 44th Street at 10:00am. Since the Chapter’s step-off time is early, retires...
Aug 18, 2023 | News Story
There are only weeks left before union contracts for 150,000 UAW autoworkers at the Big Three expire on September 14. It’s going to take the unity and strength of every UAW member, union, community and political ally to win what autoworkers and every worker deserves.
Aug 14, 2023 | News Story
  Courtesy APALA: The fires raging across Maui have devastated lives, homes, jobs, and communities. APALA stands with the people of Maui, including the thousands of union members who work in local government, hospitality, tourism, and other industries. Please consider donating to the relief efforts that are currently underway:
Aug 11, 2023 | News Story
After a nationwide organizing effort involving two separate unions, workers have won union recognition at the Brooklyn-based documentary powerhouse Story Syndicate. Story Syndicate, founded in 2019 and led by Liz Garbus and Dan Cogan, produces high-profile, award-winning non-fiction features and series, including projects such as “Harry and Meghan” (Netflix), the “Unknown” series (Netflix), “...
Aug 11, 2023 | News Story
Student workers from across The New School have officially filed as The New Student Workers Union (NewSWU) to become part of ACT-UAW Local 7902, which also represents Part-Time Faculty, Academic Student Workers (as SENS-UAW), and Student Health Center providers (as SHENS) at The New School, plus Adjunct Faculty at NYU.
Aug 11, 2023 | News Story
On Monday, thousands of customers and allies organized leafleting events outside of not-yet unionized Starbucks stores nationwide. The goal of these events was to have conversations with customers about Starbucks’ union busting behavior, and use the flyers to activate them in the Starbucks Workers United campaign.
Aug 11, 2023 | News Story
Unionized workers at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City have ratified a contract by a 97% margin after two years of negotiations. Staffers across departments, including curators, conservators, educators, and public programming team members, unionized through Local 2110 UAW in October 2021.