Work and Family

Although the “traditional” family—a father who works outside the home and financially supports the children and a mother whose work is keeping the house and raising the children—has been disappearing for more than a generation, our workplaces and government policies have not kept pace with America’s new reality.

Most children are growing up in homes with both parents working or with single parents. One-third of workers don’t have access to paid sick leave, and only 42 percent have paid personal leave. What’s the impact on public health when working people can’t afford to take sick days during a flu epidemic? Who takes care of a sick child? Who’s home to fix dinner and help with homework? Who can dedicate time to a sick elderly parent?

The recession and jobless recovery have complicated life further for working families, when having to leave work for a family emergency could lead to long-term unemployment.

More about this issue:

Jan 19, 2024 | News Story

Musicians of the American Federation of Musicians of the U.S. & Canada (AFM) will begin bargaining with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) this month.

Dec 29, 2023 | News Story

Just after midnight on Thursday, a bargaining committee composed of 32BJ SEIU members who clean New York City commercial building offices, transportation hubs and universities and union officers reached a tentative agreement with the Realty Advisory Board on Labor Relations.

Jan 12, 2024 | News Story

Condé Nast executives—who have sought to intimidate and surveil the company’s unionized workers since management announced layoff plans in November—are now facing further legal action from The NewsGuild of New York over unlawful bargaining tactics during Condé Union’s layoff negotiations.

Jan 12, 2024 | News Story

Last spring, a majority of contract faculty at NYU called on then President Hamilton to meet and work out a fair process by which the NYU administration would recognize their union, Contract Faculty United-UAW, and start to bargain.

Jan 12, 2024 | News Story

Musicians of the American Federation of Musicians of the U.S. & Canada (AFM) will begin bargaining with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) this month.

Jan 24

Wednesday, January 24, 10AM: What is a Recovery Ready Workplace (RRW)? In this forum, participants will be introduced to the Recovery Ready Workplace approach to preventing substance misuse and addiction and to supporting workers who are struggling.

Jan 5, 2024 | News Story

Workers at City World Ford in the Bronx are on strike! In July, the workers voted unanimously to unionize with UAW Local 259. Management has repeatedly ignored requests for information and dates to bargain, so the members voted unanimously to authorize a strike starting yesterday.

Jan 5, 2024 | News Story

New York’s minimum-wage workers had more than just the new year to celebrate Monday, with a pay bump kicking in as the clock ticked over to 2024.

Dec 26, 2023 | News Story

This year, the whole world watched as workers across New York City and across the country came together in an unprecedented wave of activism and solidarity.

Dec 22, 2023 | News Story

On Wednesday, an estimated 10,000 32BJ SEIU members rallied at 6th Ave & 50th St.