Work and Family

Although the “traditional” family—a father who works outside the home and financially supports the children and a mother whose work is keeping the house and raising the children—has been disappearing for more than a generation, our workplaces and government policies have not kept pace with America’s new reality.

Most children are growing up in homes with both parents working or with single parents. One-third of workers don’t have access to paid sick leave, and only 42 percent have paid personal leave. What’s the impact on public health when working people can’t afford to take sick days during a flu epidemic? Who takes care of a sick child? Who’s home to fix dinner and help with homework? Who can dedicate time to a sick elderly parent?

The recession and jobless recovery have complicated life further for working families, when having to leave work for a family emergency could lead to long-term unemployment.

More about this issue:

Mar 25

Join Workers United/SEIU (ILGWU) for the commemoration of the 108th anniversary of the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire, one of the pivotal events in US history and a turning point in labor’s struggle to achieve fair wages, dignity at work and safe working conditions.

Feb 14, 2019 | Press Release

New York, NY - It’s unfortunate that Amazon has chosen to walk away from LIC HQ2, prematurely ending discussions that could have resulted in a mutually beneficial economic development model that respects all workers.

Jan 25, 2019 | News Story

United Way, one of the AFL-CIO’s national partners, supports 2-1-1, a free nationwide information and referral line that helps people including furloughed workers find local resources they may be eligible to obtain 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Jan 30, 2019 | Press Release

New York, NY - "At today’s City Council hearing, executives from Amazon reaffirmed what we’ve known for a long time: one of the world’s wealthiest corporations remains vehemently anti-worker, publicly acknowledging that they oppose the organizing rights of their New York City wor

Jan 18, 2019 | News Story

Slate’s 51-member editorial and podcast staff this week ratified its first collective bargaining agreement with the Writers Guild of America, East.

Jan 18, 2019 | News Story

UFCW Local 1500 members have produced a new video welcoming brothers and sisters from King Kullen stores (recently acquired by Stop & Shop) into the Local 1500 union family, and making sure they know that are are not alone in this new chapter in their work lives.

Jan 11, 2019 | News Story

Unions representing thousands of federal workers came together in DC yesterday to rally and march in protest of the continuing shutdown and resulting furloughs that are financially hurting 800,000 employees and families. The rally began at AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Jan 11, 2019 | News Story

After nearly two years of unsuccessful attempts to negotiate a new contract to replace the Lab Agreement with the Broadway League, members of Actors’ Equity Association have declared a strike calling for a halt to all new show development work with members of the Broadway League.    

Jan 11, 2019 | News Story

The N.Y. Campaign for Patient Safety, a coalition of nurses, caregivers and healthcare advocates from around New York, is calling on state Senators and Assembly Members to support and pass minimum safe staffing ratio legislation in hospitals and nursing homes.

Jan 11, 2019 | News Story

Hundreds of union construction workers from across New York took to the State Capitol in Albany this week to demand that elected officials pass a public works bill which would also designate all work at Hudson Yards as prevailing wage.