
For too long, our nation’s trade and investment policies have reflected the influence of powerful corporate interests. They protect what’s important to corporate America but do little or nothing to safeguard the rights of workers and the environment here and around the world. They fuel a race to the bottom in living standards. That needs to change. We need policies that support good jobs at home and sustainable development abroad.  We need to enforce the laws already on the books and stop blatant abuses by some countries that stack the decks against U.S. workers.

More about this issue:

Mar 15, 2017 | News Story

This week, the National AFL-CIO announced the start of a new comprehensive campaign to help protect union jobs.

Oct 23

What do fast food workers, construction workers, new media, entertainment workers, teachers, transportation workers, and retail workers have in common?

They are all fighting for change by putting workers' voices & faces front and center in their fights!

Jun 3

Tomorrow, June 3 is a National Call-in Day to #StopFastTrack.  Text TPP to 877877 to be connected with your representative.

With your help we can stop fast track!

Apr 16, 2015 | Press Release

New York, NY – New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez today released the following statement regarding the introduction of Trade Promotion Authority in the U.S. Senate:

Jun 23, 2015 | News Story
Mar 9

When: Monday, March 9, 10AM

Where: New York City Hall

What: Join Labor Leaders, Members of Congress, Environmental Activists, Community Leaders to denounce the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Fast Track Authority.

Jan 28, 2015 | News Story

If you're planning a party for Super Bowl XLIX this coming Sunday, make sure you're stocked-up with these union-made goods!

May 19

Friday, May 9 – Monday, May 19

The Workers Unite Film Festival is a celebration of Labor through film.

Please click here for more information and to view the full schedule of screenings.