Political & Legislative Action

NYC Labor Votes

Building on the Labor Counts! Census 2020 campaign from 2018-2020, Labor Votes! will focus on educating, engaging and facilitating union members’ and their households’ ability to cast their ballot during the 2020 and 2021 elections. Labor Votes! is the member-to-member political program of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.



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Apr 2, 2021 | News Story

Local Union No. 3, IBEW Business Manager Erikson addressed an open letter to Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama. It was sent recently to RWDSU leadership and President Stuart

Apr 16

This year's Organizing 2.0 Conference is taking place on April 16 and 17th online.

Mar 26, 2021 | News Story

The Department of Energy estimates that East Coast offshore has the potential to provide about 35 percent of power needs for the entire country by 2050, but that will require supportive policies and a politics to match, writes Brittany Gibson in The American Prospect.

Mar 26, 2021 | News Story

Building New York’s clean-energy economy will require efficient and effective energy transmission infrastructure. We will need to make significant updates to the grid, creating thousands of jobs and paving the way for tomorrow's economy.

Mar 19, 2021 | News Story

This week, the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) released its annual construction fatality report, “Deadly Skyline: An Annual Report on Construction Fatalities in New York State.” The report, which analyzes newly available data for the 2019 calendar year, found that c

Mar 19, 2021 | News Story

Local 802 members made several headlines this week.

Mar 19, 2021 | News Story

This week, Climate Jobs New York and allies issued the following statement on the PSC’s approval of the South Fork Wind Project’s cable landing: “As groups representing local civic, environmental advocacy, labor and the business community, we collectively believe that the advancement of offshore

Mar 12, 2021 | News Story

This week, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion bill to help fight the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 12, 2021 | News Story

The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, legislation which will make it possible for tens of millions of workers to exercise our freedom to freely and fairly form a union and bargain together.