Jobs and Economy

Years after the official end of the recent recession, America is still in a jobs crisis. Although job growth is slowly picking up steam--with steady private sector job creation--we still have a long way to go. Job losses came on top of decades of inadequate job growth, wage stagnation and growing inequality. The U.S. economy is increasingly imbalanced, with the top 1 percent holding more than 40 percent of the nation’s wealth.

The AFL-CIO is ready to work with anyone—business, government, investors—who wants to create good jobs and help restore America's middle class and challenge policies that stand in the way of giving America the chance to go back to work. The union movement is partnering with such organizations as the Clinton Global Initiative to find innovative ways to create good jobs that support workers and their families.

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Jun 17, 2022 | News Story

Musicians of the New York Philharmonic, who are members of AFM Local 802, celebrated the recent news that their salaries and seniority and overscale payments will be restored to their pre-pandemic levels.

Jun 17, 2022 | News Story

City kids often don’t have the same opportunities to learn about and interact with animals that suburban kids enjoy. And a surprising number of NYC kids have never been to Central Park, the landscape masterpiece in Manhattan that draws millions of visitors from around the world every year.

Jun 17, 2022 | News Story

Last week, Climate Jobs NY hosted our fourth "What's Brewin' Offshore?" education session at WestHampton Beach Brewing Co. We were joined by over 50 East Enders and for some it was their first time hearing about offshore wind.

Jun 17, 2022 | News Story

The U.S. Department of Labor is gathering stories from workers for a new worker organizing resource website about how successful union organizing campaigns made their jobs better.


Jun 17, 2022 | News Story

Workers represented by labor unions earn 10.2% higher wages than their non-union peers, have better benefits and collectively raise wages industry-wide, according to a report released by House and Senate committees last Friday.

Jun 16, 2022 | Press Release

FIFA’s choice of New York City to host games follows local officials’ meaningful commitments to leading labor and community groups

Jun 10, 2022 | News Story

The musicians of Distinguished Concerts International New York are fighting for a fair contract with the help of AFM Local 802. The orchestra performed a live musical rally on Monday night, with the sounds of a brass band echoing over the sidewalks of Carnegie Hall.

Jun 10, 2022 | News Story

"Workers are already on the frontlines of climate change," write NYC CLC President Vincent Alvarez and Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York President Gary LaBarbera in an OpEd published in PoliticsNY this week.

Jun 3, 2022 | News Story

On Wednesday, the NYC CLC hosted our annual labor and civil rights event in the form of a panel discussion centering around how union membership has contributed to narrowing the inequality gap and how it can continue to build solidarity in an effort to create prosperity that is felt by all worker

Jun 3, 2022 | News Story

Wireless tower technicians organizing to form a union with CWA released a powerful video this week describing the struggles faced by workers in the industry and calling on tower climbers, everywhere, to come together, join