Jobs and Economy

Years after the official end of the recent recession, America is still in a jobs crisis. Although job growth is slowly picking up steam--with steady private sector job creation--we still have a long way to go. Job losses came on top of decades of inadequate job growth, wage stagnation and growing inequality. The U.S. economy is increasingly imbalanced, with the top 1 percent holding more than 40 percent of the nation’s wealth.

The AFL-CIO is ready to work with anyone—business, government, investors—who wants to create good jobs and help restore America's middle class and challenge policies that stand in the way of giving America the chance to go back to work. The union movement is partnering with such organizations as the Clinton Global Initiative to find innovative ways to create good jobs that support workers and their families.

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Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

On Tuesday, President Biden announced his nomination of Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su to succeed Marty Walsh as the next U.S. Secretary of Labor. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler issued the following statement:

Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

With their union contract set to expire the next day, almost 500 CUNY faculty and staff rallied outside CUNY’s Midtown headquarters Monday morning to take their demands for a new contract straight to management’s front door.

Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

Arbitrator Howard Edelman this week handed down a decision that stops New York City Transit from carrying out the Spring A Division Pick, taking plans for service cuts off the table for now.

Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

NYSNA Health+Hospitals/Mayorals nurses held a system-wide day of action including a rally and speakout along with candlelight vigils yesterday to mark the expiration of their contract at 11 city-run hospitals.

Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

After delivering a petition last week signed by a majority of contract faculty, NYU contract faculty with Contract Faculty United – UAW, campus allies, and NYC Comptroller Brad Lander rallied Wednesday to tell the university administration to respect their right to collective bargaining and agree

Mar 3, 2023 | News Story

We join Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and Reps. Bobby Scott (Va.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) in their call to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. Working people are sick of corporations raking in record profits while we can barely support our families.

Feb 24, 2023 | News Story

More than 250 legal service workers at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), unionized under the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys - UAW Local 2325 (ALAA), held a two-day strike this week as part of their fight for a fair contract.

Feb 24, 2023 | News Story

Resident physicians at Montefiore Medical Center, one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City, celebrated yesterday after learning that they had successfully won union representation with a supermajority of 82% voting in favor of joining the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR/SEIU

Feb 24, 2023 | News Story

“NO CONTRACT, NO PEACE!” That was the rallying cry of over 100 musicians and union supporters who picketed in front of Carnegie Hall on Feb. 20 to demand a fair contract for the DCINY Orchestra, who are represented by AFM Local 802.

Feb 24, 2023 | News Story

Members of TWU Local 100 and the Riders Alliance gathered Wednesday outside Grand Central to make the case against service cuts and in support of six minute service and better transit funding.