
Few issues strike home for working families as much as education for their children. To be equipped for life, every child needs and deserves high-quality education that is available to all—from early childhood through college. For schools to work, educators must have the support and resources they need to succeed and school buildings must be well-equipped and well-maintained. Our schools must serve all children, and comprehensive services and supports must be in place for students with the greatest needs. All students should have access to higher education and assistance paying for it so they are not barred from college or saddled with impossible debt when they leave.

Public schools and public school teachers have been under attack in recent years—from widespread efforts to shift public school funding to private school voucher programs, to attempts to privatize public schools, to moves by governors and state legislators to take bargaining rights from teachers and other school personnel. These attacks are designed to serve the 1 percent—CEOs who can profit from privatized systems and the wealthiest families—at the expense of the 99 percent of students who deserve the best.

More about this issue:

Sep 30, 2022 | News Story

Last week was #ClimateWeek, and we know that the superstorms, droughts, and water quality crises will continue. We continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean in our hearts after the impacts of Hurricanes Ian and Fiona.

Sep 23, 2022 | News Story

Our 2022 Labor Day Parade highlights video is here! Check out all your favorite unions and union members below!

Sep 23, 2022 | News Story

Union members from Communications Workers of America Local 1101 rallied with supporters outside Con Edison headquarters near Union Square Wednesday as the energy giant is reportedly planning to drop a union contract in favor of cheaper labor.

Sep 23, 2022 | News Story

The AFL-CIO is partnering with the Permission to Dream program, created by the Chris Gardner Foundation, to put students on the path to good careers through the security of a union job.

Sep 23, 2022 | News Story

With this week’s bipartisan Senate introduction of the American Music Fairness Act by Senators Padilla and Blackburn, it’s time to end the loophole that has allowed Big Radio to rob artists of their fair share for far too long.

Sep 16, 2022 | News Story

Thank you to all who joined us last Saturday! The 2022 Labor Day Parade and March was a joyous return to Manhattan's famed Fifth Avenue after three long years, and a fitting commemoration of the first American Labor Day Parade right here in NYC 140 years ago.

Sep 16, 2022 | News Story

On Wednesday, unionized workers at the New School marched for respect! Jazz instructors at the New School first won a union contract with the help of Local 802 in 1998. in 1998.

Sep 16, 2022 | News Story

We are on the cusp of winning a significant funding increase for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) next year, and your help is needed to make sure Congress gets it done!