NYCOSH 2015 SAFETY & HEALTH SERIES: Safety Data Sheets

Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:00 AM to at 01:00 PM



A rose by any other name

Material Safety Data Sheets are now called Safety Data Sheets

Are they telling us all we need to know?

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are supposed to provide workers with information on chemicals at the workplace. However, for years there have been numerous issues with SDSs:

Do they tell us enough?
Are they easy to understand?
Can the information be deciphered quickly enough?
Can they be trusted?

OSHA has made some small adjustments to them, and they will now be called "Safety Data Sheets." But how much will these changes help us? At this forum, we will discuss the issues concerning SDSs and talk about what we need to do to get the right information.


Steve Schrag, Hazmat Training Program Coordinator, SEIU

Monona Rossol, Author & Safety Officer for IATSE Local 829, United Scenic Artists and the NY Production Locals

Sponsored by the New York City Central Labor Council and the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH).

Please register online here:


For more information, contact Hiurimi Miranda at 212-227-6440x10.


UAW Region 9A
256 West 38th Street
12th floor
New York, NY 10018