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When So Many Are Struggling, Outsourcing Contract for Verrazano Bridge Steel Hurts Local Residents

Sean Mackell
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New York, NY - New York City Central Labor Council,  AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez has released the following statement on the MTA's decision to use Chinese-made steel to repair the Verrazano Bridge: 

"The Verrazano Bridge is an integral part of New York City's transportation infrastructure, and it is unconscionable that the MTA would bypass skilled US steelworkers and award the multimillion-dollar contract for replacement steel to Chinese workers.

The decision to essentially outsource the job to China is a slap in the face to the very residents in the communities served by the Bridge. Shortsighted decisions like this only hurt local residents, and make it that much more difficult to grow the City's middle class.

At a time when so many are struggling to make ends meet, using US workers to do this work is the only common sense choice."
