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WGA East Members at BDG Win First Contract

Sean Mackell
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After more than two years of negotiations, Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) members at BDG (Bustle Digital Group) reached a tentative agreement with management on a first union contract. Members will vote shortly to ratify the contract, at which time details will be made public.

In a statement, the BDG Union said, “We are elated to announce that we have a deal! Our first union contract could not have been achieved without an incredible amount of solidarity and fortitude by our current bargaining unit. We also owe a deep amount of gratitude to the many workers who have either left or been let go at BDG who fiercely supported this campaign over the more than two years of negotiations. In the contract, we won guaranteed minimum salary increases, strong benefits, and fair severance and protection from layoffs. We look forward to sharing more details upon ratification.”

The 125-member bargaining unit represents editorial, video, design, and social staffers at BDG sites Bustle, Elite Daily, Fatherly, Inverse, Nylon, Romper, Scary Mommy, The Dad, and The Zoe Report. Follow the BDG Union here!