Take Action: Tell BDG Management to Agree to Livable Wages for Their Workers

"We’ve had, I think, a really strong financial performance for 2022. Revenue was significantly higher for 2022 than it was last year. We will be more profitable this year." These are the words of Bustle Digital Group’s CEO, Bryan Goldberg, in an internal podcast released on October 17.
But even while BDG management touts the company’s financial health and increasing revenue, they’re holding firm on salary and wage proposals that not only do not keep up with current costs of living, but are actually lower than the salaries and wages being offered to new and current employees. This is unacceptable. BDG’s increase in revenue and strong financial performance are thanks to the content produced for its brands (Bustle, Elite Daily, Input, Inverse, Mic, Nylon, Romper, and The Zoe Report). The editorial, creative, social, and video workers who create that content should be paid a livable wage that allows them to thrive.
As the Writers Guild of America, East continues negotiations on wage floors and economic issues for workers at BDG, please take a moment to support the bargaining unit by sending a letter to Bryan Goldberg, urging him to commit to fair wage and salary minimums that fall in line with the accepted union industry standards. Click here to take action!
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