Say “NO” to the Constitutional Convention!

This week, DC 37 posted an editorial launching a campaign to reject the constitutional convention. In New York, every 20 years voters must decide if a convention should be called to rewrite the state constitution. This question will be on the ballot in November 2017. The convention process is extensive, lasting through November 2019 if voted to commence.
It would open the door for big corporations and anti-worker groups to advocate repealing worker protections and weakening state control of the budget. The convention would also provide opportunity for special interest groups to advocate for right-to-work legislation that would devastate the ability of public employees to organize. The constitutional convention threatens the gains New York's workers have made, and it would take decades of fighting to get them back once they’re gone. Although November is nine months away, the fight against the constitutional convention begins now.
You can find more information here.
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No To a Constitutional Convention
Say “No!” “No!” to a Constitutional Convention