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REI Union SoHo Workers Walk Out on ULP Strike

Sean Mackell
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On Saturday, in the midst of REI’s annual Anniversary Sale, members of REI Union SoHo, represented by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), stopped work and walked off the job in an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike to protest REI’s failure to bargain a contract in good faith. REI SoHo workers picketed and demanded REI agree to reach a fair contract by the end of 2024.

REI’s highly profitable annual Anniversary Sale (A-Sale) lasts from May 17-27. While the company stands to potentially bring in millions if not hundreds of millions, their workers will continue to struggle to make rent, buy groceries, and commute to their low paying, sometimes unsafe jobs. Workers face a litany of other issues at the SoHo, New York store they’re hoping to remedy in contract negotiations, which have been underway since June 2022. This is now the second action at the SoHo, New York store during the A-Sale period, which has been rocked by actions at the company’s unionized stores demanding they reach a contract by the end of the year and bargain in good faith.

“For too long REI has rested on their laurels and let their public image drive sales while their management philosophy has been all about profits over people," said SoHo REI Retail Sales Specialist and Bargaining Committee member Zoe Dunmire. "We the workers have felt the consequences of their decisions; unsafe working conditions and severe understaffing, while we are underpaid despite bringing the expertise and knowledge that our customers rely on. Now that we have stood up and said 'enough.' REI refuses to bargain in good faith, denying us a contract that gives employees the job stability that all workers have a right to. We are walking out to show REI that their employees ARE the REI co-op, and we will fight until we get what we deserve." Read more here.

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Tell the REI Board: Stop union busting & bargain a fair contract!