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Paid Time Off to Vote and Election Protection

Sean Mackell
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Did you know? New York State employees are eligible for up to two hours of paid time off to vote if they do not have “sufficient time to vote.” An employee is deemed to have “sufficient time to vote” if an employee has four consecutive hours to vote either from the opening of the polls to the beginning of their work shift, or four consecutive hours between the end of a working shift and the closing of the polls. An employee must notify an employer at least two working days prior to their intention to take paid time off to vote, but not more than 10 working days.

Early voting continues through Sunday, November 1. Check for hours and locations here.  #NYCLaborVotes #LaborVotes #Labor2020

If you need information about voting in New York State or have issues on Election Day, contact the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline sponsored by a coalition of civil rights groups and unions:
English 866-OUR-VOTE or 866-687-8683
Spanish/English 888-VE-Y-VOTA or 888-839-8682
Asian Languages/English 888-API-VOTE or 888-274-8683
Arabic/English 844-YALLA-US or 844-925-5287

Or Text: OUR VOTE to 97779