NYSNA President Nancy Hagans, RN and ATU International Vice President Mark Henry Lead Nation’s Oldest and Largest Labor Day Parade

On Saturday morning, the rain held off and spirits soared as more than 75,000 workers from across our City and region came together to march in solidarity up Fifth Avenue at the 2023 NYC Labor Day Parade. 200-plus local unions and constituency groups were joined by Federal, State, and City elected officials, with approximately 30,000 supporters cheering them on from the sidewalks.
This year, our labor movement was honored to be led by Parade Grand Marshal Nancy Hagans, RN, BSN, CCRN, President of the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), and Parade Chair Mark Henry, International Vice President of the Amalgamated Transit Union, along with the NYC CLC's Executive Council.
“As a nurse and a union leader it is an honor to be leading the New York City Labor Day Parade in a year of labor resurgence. Nurses and workers across our city are standing up to demand respect and refusing to accept poverty wages and unfair working conditions. We know we deserve more, and we are ready to organize for more,” said NYSNA President Hagans. “Today, we march to celebrate our victories and to recommit to the movement for dignity and justice for all workers. This is our time to organize, this is our time to rise!”
Check out coverage of the Parade here: Gothamist, CBS, NY1, Inside City Hall, Chelsea News, Amsterdam News, and LaborPress. Photos also appeared in the print version of Sunday's NY Daily News.
The first batches of photos have been uploaded to our Facebook page so head on over and start looking for your union! And there's more to come, including our official 2023 Parade video, so stay tuned! #LDP23