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NYSNA Demands Enforcement of Safe-Staffing Laws

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Despite safe-staffing laws enacted by the state in recent years, a recent study from the New York State Nurses Association found that just one-third of surveyed hospitals complied with the mandate to publicly post staffing plans in all hospital units and failed to staff intensive care units at the required nurse-to-patient ratio more than 50 percent of the time.

The findings prompted the union’s leadership to call on hospitals to follow the safe-staffing directives and on the state Department of Health to use its enforcement powers.

“Safe staffing continues to be New York nurses’ top priority, because we know that upholding these safety standards will keep our patients safe and improve hospital care everywhere. New York needs a strong staffing law that works for nurses and patients and holds hospitals accountable,” NYSNA President Nancy Hagans said in a statement. “We will continue advocating to increase implementation and enforcement of the staffing law, as well as other policies that help recruit, retain and train enough nurses for quality patient care.” Read more in The Chief-Leader.