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NYC Building Trades Volunteer for Disaster Relief in Puerto Rico

Sean Mackell
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Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 17, 2022, causing massive flooding and leaving widespread damage across the island. Less than a month later, Heart 9/11 coordinated with the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York and SOMOS Inc. to dispatch members from New York City’s union trades to assist in the recovery of Ponce, Puerto Rico, on the south side of the island.

The group of volunteers included members and retirees of IBEW Local 3 and the Santiago Iglesias Educational Society (SIES). They restored power to the central air system at a local nursing home, repaired and supported the roof, and performed multiple interior repairs. In addition, work was completed at a community center, including the build-out of classrooms intended to train locals in construction skills, new classrooms on the second floor, and repairs and updates to the on-site daycare facility.

Although there is much work still to be done in the recovery of Puerto Rico, trade unionists worked tirelessly to ensure they left a positive impact on the community in Ponce. (Photo and article by IBEW Local 3 “A” journeyman shop steward and SIES Vice President Rob Martin)