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NWU and Nautilus Settle $60,000 Non-Payment Grievance

Sean Mackell
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This week the National Writers’ Union, UAW Local 1981 (NWU), announced a settlement agreement with Nautilus magazine resolving a non-payment grievance with twenty Nautilus freelancers.

Six months ago the freelancers filed the grievance with NWU for help in seeking payment of over $60,000 owed to them for articles published in the National Magazine Award-winning science magazine.

Larry Goldbetter, President of the NWU said, “We are hopeful that this agreement with Nautilus will set an example for other publishers and shows that freelancers, when they organize together, will not accept “Maybe” for an answer when it comes to whether or not we should be paid for our work. When freelancers stand together, we change the whole equation rather than fighting non-payment alone as individuals. This underlines the need for a strong union of freelance writers and more legal protections for us.”