NowThis Ratify First Contract with WGAE

NowThis, the short-form video news site owned by Vox Media, this week unanimously ratified its first collective bargaining agreement with the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE).The 65-member NowThis bargaining unit will see an average raise of 9% in the first year of the agreement, with the lowest-tiered employees receiving a minimum salary of $62,000 by the end of the two-year term.
The agreement guarantees essential leave and benefit policies for members, including providing five months of parental leave and requiring the development of a critical health care policy that extends to abortion access and gender-affirming care. The contract also includes a commitment that at least 60% of job candidates interviewed come from groups underrepresented at NowThis, the highest percentage in the industry, and eradicates the use of employee non-disclosure agreements in cases of harassment or discrimination.
The NowThis bargaining committee said, “The journey to our first collective bargaining agreement wasn’t easy, but we couldn’t be more thrilled with everything we won. As we’ve said from the beginning, we organized not out of anger, but out of love — love for NowThis’ progressive values, love for the stories we tell, and love for our colleagues. We truly believe this deal not only ensures our unit members receive the wages and benefits they deserve, but also reflects the values that NowThis champions every day.” Read more here.