Legal Services Staff Association ON STRIKE

Our sisters and brothers who are members of the Legal Services Staff Association, NOLSW, UAW Local 2320 went on strike on the morning of Wednesday, May 15th after working almost a year without a contract. Despite making historic offers to management to share in the costs of healthcare and forgo a general wage increase in order to address fiscal concerns, the management is demanding deep and severe cuts to healthcare coverage and to the retirement savings plan. Furthermore, even if the union agrees to make any cuts, the management is refusing to offer any job security protections in exchange. They want the ability to lay off front line casehandlers and support staff who represent the most vulnerable New Yorkers and protect their bloated management structure (currently there is 1 manager for every 3 union staff, at the Legal Aid Society, the management-staff ratio is 1:5).
LSSA has entered the fourth week of fighting for justice on the job. The picket lines are up. Your participation and support for the strikers is invaluable and welcome.
LSSA, NOLSW/UAW Local 2320 has settled their strike. For more information, please click here.
More About This
Legal Services Staff Association
Save Legal Services
UAW Local 2320 lawyers go on strike
LSSA Strike Settled