Legal Services NYC Union Ratifies New 3-Year Contract, Averting Strike

The unionized staff of Legal Services NYC (LSNYC) ratified a three-year contract with Legal Services NYC, averting a potential strike of over 500+ legal services workers. Negotiations between LSNYC and the staff’s union, Legal Services Staff Association 2320 (LSSA 2320/UAW Local 2320), culminated in a contract offer that included wage increases of 9% in the first year and 3% in the following two years. Importantly, the union was able to stave off major givebacks and secured an increase to the salary floor of $60,000 in year two and an increase to $62,000 in the final year, along with improved language to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. For context, the salary package from the 2021 contract was $8.7 million compared to the salary package of $23.9 million in the 2025 contract.
“Our members and their work are essential in the legal services New Yorkers get in some of their most challenging moments,” said Corinthia A. Carter, Staff Attorney from the Brooklyn Legal Services office and President of UAW LSSA 2320. “Securing the best contract we can means our members can keep building Legal Services NYC as an institution of top-tier legal services. Although not perfect, this contract is historic in terms of the salary package offered along with some of the non-financial gains we were able to achieve. This depended on the work of our tireless Bargaining team and, most importantly, the voice, and participation of our LSSA 2320 members in mobilizing their shops, getting the union strike ready, and garnering political and community support. We’re going to build on the work we’ve done here for the next bargaining cycle.” Follow LSSA 2320 here.