Entertainment Weekly, Martha Stewart Living, Shape Magazine & PeopleTV Unionize with The NewsGuild of New York

Staffers at four renowned media brands — Entertainment Weekly, Martha Stewart Living, Shape Magazine and PeopleTV — announced yesterday that they have formed a union with The NewsGuild of New York. Joining their Guild-represented colleagues at PEOPLE,
90% of eligible staff across all four publications have requested voluntary recognition as one bargaining unit from Meredith Corporation management.
Coming together as one bargaining unit, workers at Meredith intend to address issues that affect all of the publications, including job security, fair wage increases, affordable and equal access to benefits, a demonstrable commitment to diversity and inclusion, and transparent editorial standards.
The Meredith Union joins a number of successful organizing efforts at publications across the nation such as BuzzFeed, The New Yorker, New York Magazine, and The Los Angeles Times in demanding a voice in their newsroom. Along with the unpredictable impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the vulnerable position in which it places essential media workers, editorial workers deserve a seat at the table to ensure a fairer and safe workplace for all. Read more here!