COVID-19 Pandemic Resources
(Updated 8/14/20) The Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to have significant effects not only on the health of New Yorkers but on the economy as a whole. With businesses forced to close, workers in all industries are facing unprecedented economic uncertainty.
At the City, State, and Federal levels, policymakers have moved to address some of the most pressing initial concerns:
- New York City is now in phase four of reopening. Click here for more information.
- The U.S. Senate has passed a $2 trillion economic stimulus bill aimed at stabilizing the economy in the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis, with the House expected to approve it and send it to the President for his signature. Read more here.
- The NYS Legislature has passed legislation guaranteeing job protection and pay for New Yorkers who have been quarantined as a result of novel coronavirus.
- Governor Cuomo signed the "New York State on PAUSE" executive order, a 10-point policy that includes a new directive that all non-essential businesses statewide must close in-office personnel functions effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22, and temporarily bans all non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason. Find guidance on what is considered an "essential" service here. Any worker who is being instructed by a non-essential employer to work anywhere outside the home can file a complaint-- click here to learn more and begin the process.
- The NYS Department of Financial Services has issued a new directive to New York State mortgage servicers to provide 90-day mortgage relief to mortgage borrowers impacted by the virus.
- The NYS Department of Labor has waived the 7-day waiting period for applying for Unemployment Insurance benefits.
- New York State has suspended eviction proceedings throughout the state until October 1. The state's moratorium on evictions was extended until October 1 only for tenants unable to pay rent due to Covid-19, or who qualify for unemployment. Fees for missed or late rent payments are banned during the moratorium. Find more information from the Right to Counsel Coalition here.
- New York City has a broad Paid Sick Leave Law. Find answers to frequently asked questions here, and more information including which employees are covered and how much time you are entitled to here.
- Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, an economic stimulus plan aimed at addressing the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Americans and introducing paid sick leave and an expanded family and medical leave act to the nation’s employers. Read more here.
- As of March 27, grocery, food, and pharmacy workers in addition to healthcare workers are now eligible to enroll their children in the NYC Regional Enrichment Center Programs for free. Click here to register.
- If you filed a partial unemployment claim under the old New York State Department of Labor system, you no longer need to call back to finish the application. The DoLwill now call you back within 72 hours. They have also updated their website & increased staff to help people get their benefits. Read more here.
- NYC and the MTA has instituted overnight closure for MTA Subway service. For more information, please click here and here.
- New York State is providing child care scholarships to essential workers. Click here for more information.
- Click here for more COVID-10 Labor Related Press.
While this remains an incredibly complex and challenging situation, the Central Labor Council and our staff remain committed to assisting as we move forward together. The CLC is fully operational, with most of the staff working remotely. Please reach out if there is anything the CLC can do to assist you or your members at this time.
AFL-CIO COVID-19 Immigrant Worker Fact Sheet
NYS AFL-CIO COVID-19 Resources: including important information on relief benefits available to workers under both state and federal laws, and links to NYS agency guidance.
COVID-19 Helpline for Retail Workers: The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union has partnered with the Center for Frontline Retail to set up a hot line for current and former retail workers who are looking for help amid the COVID-19 crisis: Are you a current or former retail worker who needs help accessing resources during the COVID-19 crisis? Call our COVID-19 Helpline and learn about your rights! Call us at 646-918-6907 and you'll be connected to a staff member of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) or the Center for Frontline Retail. We'll walk you through the process of accessing the resources you're entitled to and answer your questions about COVID-19. Call now!
NYC is now in Phase 1 of reopening, for information on Testing & Tracing, please click here.
NYC Comptroller COVID-19 Resource Center
MTA:Overnight Resources for Essential Workers
COVID-19 Testing
Essential Workers in New York State can make an appointment to be tested at one of our drive through or walk in testing sites by calling the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or online at
Emergency COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave
ESD Guidance on Essential Businesses
If you are a worker who is being instructed by a non-essential employer to work anywhere outside the home, file a complaint here.
The federal CARES Act was signed into law March 27, 2020. The Act provides enhanced Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) for New Yorkers. Here’s what you need to know.
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides payment to workers not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, workers with limited work history, and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency.
Flow chart on what you should know about Unemployment Insurance and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
The NYS Office of Mental Health's Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the coronavirus emergency. The Help Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals, who have received training in crisis counseling.
Office of the NYS Comptroller: COVID-19 Financial Survival Toolkit for New Yorkers
Interim Guidance on Executive Order 202.16 Requiring Face Coverings for Public and Private Employees Interacting with the Public During the COVID-19 Outbreak
New York State is providing child care scholarships to essential workers. Click here for more information.
New York State has suspended eviction proceedings until October 1 throughout the state. For more information from the Right to Counsel Coalition, please click here.
Post-Moratorium Know Your Rights factsheet in English & Spanish
New: Applications for the NYS COVID Rent Relief Program are open.
Program overview
Income Eligibility Limit Sheet
Spanish FAQ
Application link
The Chief Administrative Judge of New York State issued a memo on Sunday, March 15, effective 5pm on Monday March 16, which states: “All eviction proceedings and pending eviction orders shall be suspended statewide until further notice." This moratorium has been extended until October 1.
The NYC CLC has held webinars to share information and resources on the Eviction Moratorium & Mortgage and Foreclosure concerns. Recordings of these webinars are linked below & a summary of the Mortgage & Foreslosure presentation is linked here.
Know Your Rights: Eviction Moratorium
Know Your Rights: Mortgage & Foreclosures
Please refer to these housing one-pagers in English & Spanish for information on who to contact should you need assistance.
The "One Shot Deal" emergency assistance program helps people who can't meet an expense due to an unexpected situation or event.
Does your workplace need training to protect against COVID-19?
NYCOSH is available to conduct virtual trainings for unions, workers' centers, community organizations, employers, and workplaces throughout New York State to educate and inform on best practices. The trainings will also be a space for workers to strategize on how to improve preparedness in their facilities and to keep New York's workforce safe.
Contact us today at to schedule your free training today.
As groceries have been labeled essential businesses to remain open, there is a shortage of staff to counter the demand for goods. Below are some union-represented stores that are seeking workers.
Gristedes: 914 588 5348
Musicians’ Emergency Relief Fund
Labor Delivers: Emergency Home Meal Delivery
New York Car Wash Workers Support Fund
The New York Nail Salon Workers Relief Fund
Worker’s Justice Project (WJP) COVID-19 Jornalera Relief Fund
American Guild of Musical Artists Relief Fund
COVID-19 Emergency Supply Sourcing & Manufacturing
NYC EDC is seeking businesses with the ability to source and/or make products to support the City’s COVID-19 response work.
Support can include:
Sourcing or production of medical supplies and equipment (e.g., masks, gowns, face shields, ventilators, and other products as needed)
Production or distribution of food
Sharing connections to people willing and able to work on response efforts
Click here to complete the form below for each category of support you can offer!
SMART sheet metal union members are working with contractors to produce and donate metal nose pieces for the millions of face masks being made by volunteers across the United States and Canada. If you are a member of a volunteer group providing masks to first responders or health care workers, click here to fill out an order form to request free nose pieces. Organizers will forward your request to SMART union members close to you. The nose pieces are 3" x 1/4" and made from .032 aluminum.
Union-Made Face Coverings & PPE
Do you need face coverings for your members? Click here to find vendors who can provide Union-Made products.
NYC Service leads the Volunteer Coordination Taskforce (VCTF), a partnership with NYC Emergency Management, New York Cares and other partners to centralize and coordinate volunteer efforts during emergencies. The VCTF is working to assess a safe volunteer response to those most affected by COVID-19. If you are interested in learning about available opportunities to volunteer, complete the New York Cares COVID-19 relief efforts form to share your information and hear more about opportunities to serve as they arise.
Share Your Space
Registering community spaces is another way you can help support communities during this time. You also can direct others in your community to register their spaces as well. To register your space, visit the Share Your Space Survey online.
Blood Donations
Because many private blood drives have been cancelled, there is a critical need for blood. To donate, call 800-933-2566 or go to
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Covid 19 Tracking
Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Tracker
This page will be updated as often as possible. Please share any resources workers might need and we are open to try to help answer any questions at