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Condé Nast Employees Form Company-Wide Union Covering 500+ Workers

Sean Mackell
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In a major step forward for workers organizing in the media industry, employees of Condé Nast’s editorial brands and Conde Nast Entertainment this week announced the formation of Condé Nast Union, demanding voluntary recognition from management.

The bargaining unit includes full-and part-time editorial, video, and production workers at Allure, Architectural Digest, Bon Appétit, Condé Nast Traveler, Epicurious, Glamour, GQ, Self, Teen Vogue, them., Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Condé Nast Entertainment. Once certified, it will be one of the largest units in recent NewsGuild history. The announcement follows a wave of union organizing at a host of Condé Nast brands, beginning in 2018 with an organizing drive by editorial employees at The New Yorker.

The George Floyd protests of 2020 ignited a company-wide reckoning over race and equity, beginning with Bon Appétit, and sparked long-overdue conversations about the lack of equity in the workplace and the need for substantive changes, which were found to be widely felt across the brands.

"The current workplace culture at Condé Nast allows many people of color and women to be consistently silenced by management. It's no longer enough to play-act a commitment to diversity, or apply bandaid solutions to issues of discrimination,” said Kaylee Hammonds, Epicurious. ”We're unionizing today across the company so that this hypocrisy that currently thrives at Condé Nast can be remedied." Read more from the union here, watch their intro video here, sign a petition calling on Condé Nast to voluntarily recognize the union here, and check out additional coverage in the New York Times and Washington Post.

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Conde Nast Employees Form Company-Wide Union Covering 500+ Workers 
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